 * Copyright 2010-2015 Institut Pasteur.
 * This file is part of Icy.
 * Icy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Icy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Icy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package icy.file;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import icy.gui.frame.progress.FailedAnnounceFrame;
import icy.gui.frame.progress.FileFrame;
import icy.gui.menu.ApplicationMenu;
import icy.image.IcyBufferedImage;
import icy.image.IcyBufferedImageUtil;
import icy.image.colormodel.IcyColorModel;
import icy.image.lut.LUT;
import icy.main.Icy;
import icy.painter.Overlay;
import icy.preferences.GeneralPreferences;
import icy.roi.ROI;
import icy.sequence.MetaDataUtil;
import icy.sequence.Sequence;
import icy.system.IcyExceptionHandler;
import icy.type.DataType;
import icy.util.OMEUtil;
import icy.util.StringUtil;
import loci.common.services.ServiceException;
import loci.formats.FormatException;
import loci.formats.IFormatWriter;
import loci.formats.UnknownFormatException;
import loci.formats.meta.MetadataRetrieve;
import loci.formats.out.APNGWriter;
import loci.formats.out.AVIWriter;
import loci.formats.out.JPEG2000Writer;
import loci.formats.out.JPEGWriter;
import loci.formats.out.OMETiffWriter;
import loci.formats.out.TiffWriter;
import ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadata;

 * Sequence / Image saver class.<br>
 * <br>
 * Supported save format are the following : TIFF (preferred), PNG, JPG and AVI.
 * When sequence is saved as multiple file the following naming convention is used :<br>
 * <code>filename-tttt-zzzz</code>
 * @author Stephane & Fab
public class Saver
     * @deprecated use {@link OMEUtil#generateMetaData(int, int, int, int, int, DataType, boolean)} instead
    public static loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata generateMetaData(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeC, int sizeZ, int sizeT,
            DataType dataType) throws ServiceException
        return (loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata) OMEUtil.generateMetaData(sizeX, sizeY, sizeC, sizeZ, sizeT, dataType, false);

     * @deprecated use {@link OMEUtil#generateMetaData(int, int, int, int, int, DataType, boolean)} instead
    public static loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata generateMetaData(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeC, int sizeZ, int sizeT, int dataType,
            boolean signedDataType) throws ServiceException
        return (loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata) OMEUtil.generateMetaData(sizeX, sizeY, sizeC, sizeZ, sizeT,
                DataType.getDataType(dataType, signedDataType), false);

     * @deprecated use {@link OMEUtil#generateMetaData(int, int, int, DataType, boolean)} instead
    public static loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata generateMetaData(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeC, DataType dataType)
            throws ServiceException
        return (loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata) OMEUtil.generateMetaData(sizeX, sizeY, sizeC, 1, 1, dataType, false);

     * @deprecated use {@link OMEUtil#generateMetaData(int, int, int, DataType, boolean)} instead
    public static loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata generateMetaData(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeC, int dataType, boolean signedDataType)
            throws ServiceException
        return (loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata) OMEUtil.generateMetaData(sizeX, sizeY, sizeC,
                DataType.getDataType(dataType, signedDataType), false);

     * Returns the {@link ImageFileFormat} corresponding to specified {@link IFormatWriter}.<br>
     * <code>defaultValue</code> is returned if no matching format is found.
    public static ImageFileFormat getImageFileFormat(IFormatWriter writer, ImageFileFormat defaultValue)
        if (writer instanceof TiffWriter)
            return ImageFileFormat.TIFF;
        if (writer instanceof APNGWriter)
            return ImageFileFormat.PNG;
        if (writer instanceof JPEGWriter)
            return ImageFileFormat.JPG;
        if (writer instanceof JPEG2000Writer)
            return ImageFileFormat.JPG;
        if (writer instanceof AVIWriter)
            return ImageFileFormat.AVI;

        return defaultValue;

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getImageFileFormat(IFormatWriter, ImageFileFormat)} instead.
    public static FileFormat getFileFormat(IFormatWriter writer, FileFormat defaultValue)
        return getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.getFormat(defaultValue)).toFileFormat();

     * Return the writer to use for the specified ImageFileFormat.<br>
     * <br>
     * The following writer are currently supported :<br>
     * <code>OMETiffWriter</code> : TIFF image file (default)<br>
     * <code>APNGWriter</code> : PNG image file<br>
     * <code>JPEGWriter</code> : JPG image file<br>
     * <code>AVIWriter</code> : AVI video file<br>
     * @param format
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat} we want to retrieve the saver.<br>
     *        Accepted values:<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#TIFF}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#PNG}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#JPG}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#AVI}<br>
     *        null
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(ImageFileFormat format)
        final IFormatWriter result;

        switch (format)
            case PNG:
                result = new APNGWriter();

            case JPG:
                result = new JPEGWriter();

            case AVI:
                result = new AVIWriter();

                result = new OMETiffWriter();
                // this way we are sure the TIF saver is always compressing
                catch (FormatException e)
                    // no compression

        return result;

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getWriter(ImageFileFormat)} instead.
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(FileFormat fileFormat)
        return getWriter(ImageFileFormat.getFormat(fileFormat));

     * Return the writer to use for the specified filename extension.<br>
     * <br>
     * The following writer are currently supported :<br>
     * <code>OMETiffWriter</code> : TIFF image file (default)<br>
     * <code>APNGWriter</code> : PNG image file<br>
     * <code>JPEGWriter</code> : JPG image file<br>
     * <code>AVIWriter</code> : AVI video file<br>
     * @param ext
     *        Extension we want to retrieve the corresponding image writer.
     * @param defaultFormat
     *        default {@link ImageFileFormat} to use if <code>ext</code> is not recognized.<br>
     *        Accepted values:<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#TIFF}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#PNG}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#JPG}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#AVI}<br>
     *        null
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(String ext, ImageFileFormat defaultFormat)
        return getWriter(ImageFileFormat.getWriteFormat(ext, defaultFormat));

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getWriter(String, ImageFileFormat)} instead.
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(String ext, FileFormat defaultFormat)
        return getWriter(ext, ImageFileFormat.getFormat(defaultFormat));

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getWriter(String, FileFormat)} instead.
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(String ext)
        return getWriter(ext, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);

     * Return the writer to use for the specified file.<br>
     * <br>
     * The following writer are currently supported :<br>
     * <code>OMETiffWriter</code> : TIFF image file (default)<br>
     * <code>APNGWriter</code> : PNG image file<br>
     * <code>JPEGWriter</code> : JPG image file<br>
     * <code>AVIWriter</code> : AVI video file<br>
     * @param file
     *        File we want to retrieve the corresponding image writer.
     * @param defaultFormat
     *        default {@link ImageFileFormat} to use if <code>file</code> is not recognized.<br>
     *        Accepted values:<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#TIFF}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#PNG}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#JPG}<br>
     *        {@link ImageFileFormat#AVI}<br>
     *        null
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(File file, ImageFileFormat defaultFormat)
        return getWriter(FileUtil.getFileExtension(file.getName(), false), defaultFormat);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getWriter(File, ImageFileFormat)} instead.
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(File file, FileFormat defaultFormat)
        return getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.getFormat(defaultFormat));

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getWriter(File, FileFormat)} instead.
    public static IFormatWriter getWriter(File file)
        return getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);

     * Return the closest compatible {@link IcyColorModel} supported by the specified ImageFileFormat
     * from the specified image description.<br>
     * That means this file format is able to save the data described by the returned {@link IcyColorModel} without any
     * loss
     * or conversion.<br>
     * @param imageFileFormat
     *        Image file format we want to test compatibility
     * @param numChannel
     *        number of channel of the image
     * @param dataType
     *        image data type
    public static IcyColorModel getCompatibleColorModel(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, int numChannel,
            DataType dataType)
        final DataType outDataType;
        final int outNumChannel;

        switch (imageFileFormat)
            case TIFF:
                // TIFF supports all formats
                outDataType = dataType;
                outNumChannel = numChannel;

            case PNG:
                // PNG only supports byte data type (short is not really valid)
                if (dataType.getSize() > 1)
                    outDataType = DataType.UBYTE;
                    outDataType = dataType;

                // PNG supports a maximum of 4 channels
                outNumChannel = Math.min(numChannel, 4);

            case AVI:
            case JPG:
                // JPG, AVI, default only supports byte data type
                if (dataType.getSize() > 1)
                    outDataType = DataType.UBYTE;
                    outDataType = dataType;

                // 3 channels at max
                if (numChannel > 3)
                    outNumChannel = 3;
                    // special case of 2 channels
                    if (numChannel == 2)
                        // convert to RGB
                        outNumChannel = 3;
                        outNumChannel = numChannel;

        return IcyColorModel.createInstance(outNumChannel, outDataType);

     * Return the closest compatible {@link IcyColorModel} supported by the specified image file format
     * from the specified {@link IcyColorModel}.<br>
     * That means this image file format supports saving data described by the returned {@link IcyColorModel} without
     * any loss or conversion.
     * @param imageFileFormat
     *        Image file format we want to test compatibility
     * @param colorModel
     *        the colorModel describing data / image format
    public static IcyColorModel getCompatibleColorModel(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, IcyColorModel colorModel)
        return getCompatibleColorModel(imageFileFormat, colorModel.getNumComponents(), colorModel.getDataType_());

     * Return true if the specified image file format is compatible with the image description.<br>
     * That means this image file format supports saving data without any loss or conversion.
     * @param imageFileFormat
     *        Image file format we want to test compatibility
     * @param numChannel
     *        number of channel of the image
     * @param alpha
     *        true if the image has an alpha channel
     * @param dataType
     *        image data type
    public static boolean isCompatible(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, int numChannel, boolean alpha,
            DataType dataType)
        return isCompatible(imageFileFormat, IcyColorModel.createInstance(numChannel, dataType));

     * Return true if the specified image file format is compatible with the given {@link IcyColorModel}. <br>
     * That means this image file format supports saving data described by the returned {@link IcyColorModel} without
     * any loss or conversion.<br>
     * The color map data are never preserved, they are always restored to their default.<br>
    public static boolean isCompatible(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, IcyColorModel colorModel)
        return colorModel.isCompatible(getCompatibleColorModel(imageFileFormat, colorModel));

     * Return true if the specified image file format is compatible to save the given Sequence.<br>
     * That means this image file format supports saving all original data (3D/4D/5D) without any loss or conversion.
    public static boolean isCompatible(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, Sequence sequence)
        final boolean multiZ = sequence.getSizeZ() > 1;
        final boolean multiT = sequence.getSizeT() > 1;

        switch (imageFileFormat)
            case JPG:
            case PNG:
                // JPG and PNG: no support for time sequence or 3D image
                if ((multiZ) || (multiT))
                    return false;

            case AVI:
                // AVI: not support for 3D image
                if (multiZ)
                    return false;

        return isCompatible(imageFileFormat, sequence.getColorModel());

     * Return the separate channel flag from specified image file format and color space
    private static boolean getSeparateChannelFlag(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, int numChannel, DataType dataType)
        // only if we have more than 1 channel
        if (numChannel > 1)
            // only TIFF writer support it: better to not separate channel for RGB images
            if (imageFileFormat.equals(ImageFileFormat.TIFF))
                return (numChannel != 3) || (dataType.getSize() > 1);

        // others writers does not support separated channel
        return false;

     * Return the separate channel flag from specified image file format and color space
    private static boolean getSeparateChannelFlag(ImageFileFormat imageFileFormat, IcyColorModel colorModel)
        return getSeparateChannelFlag(imageFileFormat, colorModel.getNumComponents(), colorModel.getDataType_());

     * Return the closest compatible {@link IcyColorModel} supported by writer
     * from the specified image description.<br>
     * That means the writer is able to save the data described by the returned {@link IcyColorModel} without any loss
     * or conversion.<br>
     * @param writer
     *        IFormatWriter we want to test compatibility
     * @param numChannel
     *        number of channel of the image
     * @param dataType
     *        image data type
    public static IcyColorModel getCompatibleColorModel(IFormatWriter writer, int numChannel, DataType dataType)
        return getCompatibleColorModel(getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF), numChannel, dataType);

     * Return the closest compatible {@link IcyColorModel} supported by writer
     * from the specified {@link IcyColorModel}.<br>
     * That means the writer is able to save the data described by the returned {@link IcyColorModel} without any loss
     * or conversion.<br>
     * @param writer
     *        IFormatWriter we want to test compatibility
     * @param colorModel
     *        the colorModel describing data / image format
    public static IcyColorModel getCompatibleColorModel(IFormatWriter writer, IcyColorModel colorModel)
        return getCompatibleColorModel(writer, colorModel.getNumComponents(), colorModel.getDataType_());

     * Return true if the specified writer is compatible with the image description.<br>
     * That means the writer is able to save the data without any loss or conversion.<br>
     * @param numChannel
     *        number of channel of the image
     * @param alpha
     *        true if the image has an alpha channel
     * @param dataType
     *        image data type
    public static boolean isCompatible(IFormatWriter writer, int numChannel, boolean alpha, DataType dataType)
        return isCompatible(writer, IcyColorModel.createInstance(numChannel, dataType));

     * Return true if the specified writer is compatible with the given {@link IcyColorModel}. <br>
     * That means the writer is able to save the data described by the colorModel without any loss
     * or conversion.<br>
     * The color map data are never preserved, they are always restored to their default.<br>
    public static boolean isCompatible(IFormatWriter writer, IcyColorModel colorModel)
        return colorModel.isCompatible(getCompatibleColorModel(writer, colorModel));

     * Return true if the specified writer is compatible to save the given Sequence.<br>
     * That means the writer is able to save all original data (3D/4D/5D) without any loss or conversion.
    public static boolean isCompatible(IFormatWriter writer, Sequence sequence)
        return isCompatible(getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF), sequence);

     * Return the separate channel flag from specified writer and color space
    private static boolean getSeparateChannelFlag(IFormatWriter writer, int numChannel, DataType dataType)
        return getSeparateChannelFlag(getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF), numChannel, dataType);

     * Return the separate channel flag from specified writer and color space
    private static boolean getSeparateChannelFlag(IFormatWriter writer, IcyColorModel colorModel)
        return getSeparateChannelFlag(writer, colorModel.getNumComponents(), colorModel.getDataType_());

     * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
     * If sequence contains severals images then file is used as a directory<br>
     * to store all single images.
     * @param sequence
     *        sequence to save
     * @param file
     *        file where we want to save sequence
    public static void save(Sequence sequence, File file)
        save(sequence, file, 15, (sequence.getSizeZ() * sequence.getSizeT()) > 1, true);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #save(Sequence, File, boolean, boolean)} instead.
    public static void save(Sequence sequence, File file, boolean multipleFiles)
        save(sequence, file, 0, sequence.getSizeZ() - 1, 0, sequence.getSizeT() - 1, 15, multipleFiles, true);

     * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
     * When the sequence contains severals image the multiFile flag is used to indicate<br>
     * if images are saved in severals files (file then specify a directory) or in a single file.
     * @param sequence
     *        sequence to save
     * @param file
     *        file where we want to save sequence
     * @param multipleFiles
     *        flag to indicate if images are saved in separate file
     * @param showProgress
     *        show progress bar
    public static void save(Sequence sequence, File file, boolean multipleFiles, boolean showProgress)
        save(sequence, file, 15, multipleFiles, showProgress);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #save(Sequence, File, int, boolean, boolean)} instead.
    public static void save(Sequence sequence, File file, int zMin, int zMax, int tMin, int tMax, int fps,
            boolean multipleFiles)
        save(sequence, file, zMin, zMax, tMin, tMax, fps, multipleFiles, true);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #save(Sequence, File, int, boolean, boolean)} instead.
    public static void save(Sequence sequence, File file, int zMin, int zMax, int tMin, int tMax, int fps,
            boolean multipleFile, boolean showProgress)
        save(null, sequence, file, fps, multipleFile, showProgress, true);

     * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
     * When the sequence contains severals image the multipleFile flag is used to indicate<br>
     * if images are saved as separate files (file then specify a directory) or not.<br>
     * zMin - zMax and tMin - tMax define the Z and T images range to save.<br>
     * @param sequence
     *        sequence to save
     * @param file
     *        file where we want to save sequence
     * @param fps
     *        frame rate for AVI sequence save
     * @param multipleFile
     *        flag to indicate if images are saved in separate file
     * @param showProgress
     *        show progress bar
    public static void save(Sequence sequence, File file, int fps, boolean multipleFile, boolean showProgress)
        save(null, sequence, file, fps, multipleFile, showProgress, true);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #save(IFormatWriter, Sequence, File, int, boolean, boolean, boolean)} instead.
    public static void save(IFormatWriter formatWriter, Sequence sequence, File file, int zMin, int zMax, int tMin,
            int tMax, int fps, boolean multipleFile, boolean showProgress)
        save(formatWriter, sequence, file, fps, multipleFile, showProgress, true);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #save(IFormatWriter, Sequence, File, int, boolean, boolean, boolean)} instead.
    public static void save(IFormatWriter formatWriter, Sequence sequence, File file, int zMin, int zMax, int tMin,
            int tMax, int fps, boolean multipleFile, boolean showProgress, boolean addToRecent)
        save(formatWriter, sequence, file, fps, multipleFile, showProgress, addToRecent);

     * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
     * When the sequence contains severals image the multipleFile flag is used to indicate
     * if images are saved as separate files (file then specify a directory) or not.<br>
     * <code>zMin</code> - <code>zMax</code> and <code>tMin</code> - <code>tMax</code> define the Z
     * and T images range to save.<br>
     * @param formatWriter
     *        writer used to save sequence (define the image format).<br>
     *        If set to <code>null</code> then writer is determined from the file extension.<br>
     *        If destination file does not have a valid extension (for folder for instance) then you
     *        have to specify a valid Writer to write the image file (see {@link #getWriter(ImageFileFormat)})
     * @param sequence
     *        sequence to save
     * @param file
     *        file where we want to save sequence.<br>
     *        Depending the <code>formatWriter</code> the file extension may be modified.<br>
     *        That is preferred as saving an image with a wrong extension may result in error on
     *        future read (wrong reader detection).<br>
     * @param fps
     *        frame rate for AVI sequence save
     * @param multipleFile
     *        flag to indicate if images are saved in separate file.<br>
     *        When multiple file is enabled the <code>file</code> parameter is considerer as a folder if it doens't have
     *        any extension
     * @param showProgress
     *        show progress bar
     * @param addToRecent
     *        add the saved sequence to recent opened sequence list
    public static void save(IFormatWriter formatWriter, Sequence sequence, File file, int fps, boolean multipleFile,
            boolean showProgress, boolean addToRecent)
        final String filePath = FileUtil.cleanPath(FileUtil.getGenericPath(file.getAbsolutePath()));
        final int sizeT = sequence.getSizeT();
        final int sizeZ = sequence.getSizeZ();
        final int numImages = sizeT * sizeZ;
        final FileFrame saveFrame;
        final ApplicationMenu mainMenu;

        if (addToRecent)
            mainMenu = Icy.getMainInterface().getApplicationMenu();
            mainMenu = null;
        if (showProgress && !Icy.getMainInterface().isHeadLess())
            saveFrame = new FileFrame("Saving", filePath);
            saveFrame = null;
            if (saveFrame != null)

            final IFormatWriter writer;
            final Sequence savedSequence;

            // get the writer
            if (formatWriter == null)
                writer = getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
                writer = formatWriter;

            if (writer == null)
                throw new UnknownFormatException("Can't find a valid image writer for the specified file: " + file);

            // need multiple files ?
            if ((numImages > 1) && multipleFile)
                // save as severals images
                final DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0000");
                final String fileName = FileUtil.getFileName(filePath, false);
                String fileExt = FileUtil.getFileExtension(filePath, true);

                String fileBaseDirectory = FileUtil.getDirectory(filePath);
                if (fileBaseDirectory.endsWith("/"))
                    fileBaseDirectory = fileBaseDirectory.substring(0, fileBaseDirectory.length() - 1);

                // no extension (directory) ?
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(fileExt))
                    // filename is part of directory
                    fileBaseDirectory += FileUtil.separator + fileName;
                    // use the default file extension for the specified writer
                    fileExt = "." + getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF).getExtensions()[0];

                final String filePathWithoutExt = fileBaseDirectory + FileUtil.separator + fileName;

                // create output directory

                // default name used --> use filename
                if (sequence.isDefaultName())

                // assume that is the saved sequence (used for metadata)
                savedSequence = sequence;

                for (int t = 0; t < sizeT; t++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++)
                        String filename = filePathWithoutExt;

                        if (sizeT > 1)
                            filename += "_t" + decimalFormat.format(t);
                        if (sizeZ > 1)
                            filename += "_z" + decimalFormat.format(z);
                        filename += fileExt;

                        // save as single image file
                        save(writer, sequence, filename, t, z, fps, saveFrame);

                // add as one item to recent file list
                if (mainMenu != null)
                final ImageFileFormat iff = getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
                final String fileExt = FileUtil.getFileExtension(filePath, false);
                // force to set correct file extension
                final String fixedFilePath;

                if (iff.matches(fileExt))
                    fixedFilePath = filePath;
                    fixedFilePath = filePath + "." + iff.getExtensions()[0];

                // default name used --> use filename
                if (sequence.isDefaultName())
                    sequence.setName(FileUtil.getFileName(filePath, false));

                // save whole sequence into a single file
                savedSequence = save(writer, sequence, fixedFilePath, -1, -1, fps, saveFrame);

                // we set filename on actual saved Sequence

                // add as one item to recent file list
                if (mainMenu != null)

            // Sequence persistence enabled --> save XML
            if (GeneralPreferences.getSequencePersistence())
        catch (Exception e)
            IcyExceptionHandler.showErrorMessage(e, true);
            if (showProgress && !Icy.getMainInterface().isHeadLess())
                new FailedAnnounceFrame("Failed to save image(s) (see output console for details)", 15);
            if (saveFrame != null)

     * Save a single image from bytes buffer to the specified file.
    private static void saveImage(IFormatWriter formatWriter, byte[] data, int width, int height, int numChannel,
            boolean separateChannel, DataType dataType, File file, boolean force) throws FormatException, IOException
        final String filePath = FileUtil.cleanPath(FileUtil.getGenericPath(file.getAbsolutePath()));

        if (FileUtil.exists(filePath))
            // forced ? first delete the file else LOCI won't save it
            if (force)
                FileUtil.delete(filePath, true);
                throw new IOException("File already exists");
        // ensure parent directory exist

        final IFormatWriter writer;
        final boolean separateCh;

        if (formatWriter == null)
            // get the writer
            writer = getWriter(FileUtil.getFileExtension(filePath, false), ImageFileFormat.TIFF);

            // prepare the metadata
                separateCh = getSeparateChannelFlag(writer, numChannel, dataType);
                writer.setMetadataRetrieve((MetadataRetrieve) MetaDataUtil.generateMetaData(width, height, numChannel,
                        dataType, separateCh));
            catch (ServiceException e)
                System.err.println("Saver.saveImage(...) error :");
                IcyExceptionHandler.showErrorMessage(e, true);
            // ready to use writer (metadata already prepared)
            writer = formatWriter;
            separateCh = separateChannel;

        // we never interleaved data even if some image viewer need it to correctly read image (win XP viewer)
        // usually give better save performance

            // separated channel data
            if (separateChannel)
                final int pitch = width * height * dataType.getSize();
                final byte[] dataChannel = new byte[pitch];
                int offset = 0;

                for (int c = 0; c < numChannel; c++)
                    System.arraycopy(data, offset, dataChannel, 0, pitch);
                    writer.saveBytes(c, dataChannel);
                    offset += pitch;
                // save all data at once
                writer.saveBytes(0, data);
        catch (Exception e)
            System.err.println("Saver.saveImage(...) error :");
            IcyExceptionHandler.showErrorMessage(e, true);


     * Save a single image from bytes buffer to the specified file.
    public static void saveImage(byte[] data, int width, int height, int numChannel, DataType dataType, File file,
            boolean force) throws FormatException, IOException
        saveImage(null, data, width, height, numChannel, false, dataType, file, force);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #saveImage(byte[], int, int, int, DataType, File, boolean)} instead
    public static void saveImage(byte[] data, int width, int height, int numChannel, int dataType,
            boolean signedDataType, File file, boolean force) throws FormatException, IOException
        saveImage(data, width, height, numChannel, DataType.getDataType(dataType, signedDataType), file, force);

     * Save a single image to the specified file
     * @param image
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws FormatException
    public static void saveImage(IcyBufferedImage image, File file, boolean force) throws FormatException, IOException
        final IFormatWriter writer = getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);

        if (writer == null)
            throw new UnknownFormatException("Can't find a valid image writer for the specified file: " + file);

        final boolean separateChannel = getSeparateChannelFlag(writer, image.getIcyColorModel());

            writer.setMetadataRetrieve((MetadataRetrieve) MetaDataUtil.generateMetaData(image, separateChannel));
        catch (ServiceException e)
            System.err.println("Saver.saveImage(...) error :");
            IcyExceptionHandler.showErrorMessage(e, true);

        // get byte order
        final boolean littleEndian = !writer.getMetadataRetrieve().getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(0, 0).booleanValue();
        // then save the image
        saveImage(writer, image.getRawData(littleEndian), image.getSizeX(), image.getSizeY(), image.getSizeC(),
                separateChannel, image.getDataType_(), file, force);

     * Save the specified sequence in the specified file using the given writer.<br>
     * If posT or/and posZ are defined then only a sub part of the original Sequence is saved.
     * @param writer
     *        writer used to save sequence (define the image format, cannot be <code>null</code> at this point)
     * @param sequence
     *        sequence to save
     * @param filePath
     *        file name where we want to save sequence
     * @param posT
     *        frame index to save (-1 to save all frame from input sequence)
     * @param posZ
     *        slice index to save (-1 to save all slice from input sequence)
     * @param fps
     *        frame rate for AVI writer
     * @param saveFrame
     *        progress frame for save operation (can be null)
     * @return Actual saved Sequence (can be different from input one if conversion was needed)
     * @throws ServiceException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws FormatException
    private static Sequence save(IFormatWriter writer, Sequence sequence, String filePath, int posT, int posZ, int fps,
            FileFrame saveFrame) throws ServiceException, FormatException, IOException
        // TODO: temporary fix for the "incorrect close operation" bug in Bio-Formats
        // with OME TIF writer, remove it when fixed.
        // {
        // try
        // {
        // writer = formatWriter.getClass().newInstance();
        // }
        // catch (Exception e)
        // {
        // throw new ServiceException("Can't create new writer instance: " + e);
        // }
        // }

        final File file = new File(filePath);

        // first delete the file else LOCI won't save it correctly
        if (file.exists())
        // ensure parent directory exist

        final ImageFileFormat saveFormat = getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
        final int sizeT = sequence.getSizeT();
        final int sizeZ = sequence.getSizeZ();
        final int adjZ, adjT;
        final int tMin, tMax;
        final int zMin, zMax;

        // adjust posT and posZ depending the writer support
        switch (saveFormat)
            case TIFF:
                // no restriction for TIFF
                adjZ = posZ;
                adjT = posT;

            case AVI:
                // AVI: always save single slice
                adjZ = (posZ < 0) ? sizeZ / 2 : posZ;
                adjT = posT;

            case JPG:
            case PNG:
                // JPG or PNG: always save single image
                adjZ = (posZ < 0) ? sizeZ / 2 : posZ;
                adjT = (posT < 0) ? sizeT / 2 : posT;

        // convert Sequence in good format for specified writer
        final Sequence compatibleSequence = getCompatibleSequenceForWriter(writer, sequence, adjT, adjZ);
        // get channel separation flag
        final boolean separateChannel = getSeparateChannelFlag(saveFormat, compatibleSequence.getColorModel());
        // prepare metadata
        final OMEXMLMetadata metadata = MetaDataUtil.generateMetaData(compatibleSequence, separateChannel);

        // clean unwanted planes
        MetaDataUtil.keepPlanes(metadata, 0, adjT, adjZ, -1);
        if (adjT < 0)
            // all frame
            tMin = 0;
            tMax = sizeT - 1;
            // single frame
            tMin = tMax = adjT;
            MetaDataUtil.setSizeT(metadata, 0, 1);
        if (adjZ < 0)
            // all slice
            zMin = 0;
            zMax = sizeZ - 1;
            // single slice
            zMin = zMax = adjZ;
            MetaDataUtil.setSizeZ(metadata, 0, 1);

        // specific to TIFF writer
        if (writer instanceof TiffWriter)
            // > 2GB --> use big tiff (important to do it before setId(..) call)
            if (MetaDataUtil.getDataSize(metadata, 0, 0) > 2000000000L)
                ((TiffWriter) writer).setBigTiff(true);

        // set settings
        // generate metadata
        writer.setMetadataRetrieve((MetadataRetrieve) metadata);
        // no interleave (XP default viewer want interleaved channel to correctly read image)
        // set id
        // init
        // usually give better save performance

        final int sizeC = compatibleSequence.getSizeC();
        // get endianess
        final boolean littleEndian = !writer.getMetadataRetrieve().getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(0, 0).booleanValue();
        byte[] data = null;

            int imageIndex = 0;
            // XYCZT order is important here (see metadata)
            for (int t = tMin; t <= tMax; t++)
                for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++)
                    // interrupt process (partial save)
                    if ((saveFrame != null) && saveFrame.isCancelRequested())
                        return compatibleSequence;

                    final IcyBufferedImage image = compatibleSequence.getImage(t, z);

                    // separated channel data
                    if (separateChannel)
                        for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
                            if (image != null)
                                // avoid multiple allocation
                                data = image.getRawData(c, data, 0, littleEndian);
                                writer.saveBytes(imageIndex, data);

                        if (image != null)
                            // avoid multiple allocation
                            data = image.getRawData(data, 0, littleEndian);
                            writer.saveBytes(imageIndex, data);


                    if (saveFrame != null)
            // always close writer after a file has been saved

        return compatibleSequence;

     * Returns a compatible Sequence representing the input sequence so it can be saved with the specified writer.<br>
     * If the writer support the input sequence then the input sequence is directly returned.
     * @param writer
     *        writer used to save sequence (define the image format, cannot be <code>null</code>)
     * @param sequence
     *        sequence to save
     * @param posT
     *        frame index to keep (-1 for all frame)
     * @param posZ
     *        slice index to keep (-1 for all slice)
     * @return the compatible sequence for given Writer
    public static Sequence getCompatibleSequenceForWriter(IFormatWriter writer, Sequence sequence, int posT, int posZ)
        final int sizeC = sequence.getSizeC();
        final DataType dataType = sequence.getDataType_();
        final boolean needConvert;
        final ImageFileFormat imageFormat = getImageFileFormat(writer, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);

        // adjust posT and posZ depending the writer support
        switch (imageFormat)
                // assume TIFF
                needConvert = false;

            case AVI:
            case JPG:
                // JPG, AVI: only supports byte data type and Gray/RGB images
                needConvert = (dataType.getSize() > 1) || (sizeC == 2) || (sizeC > 3);

            case PNG:
                // PNG: support byte data type with a maximum of 4 channels
                needConvert = (dataType.getSize() > 1) || (sizeC > 4);

        // no conversion needed
        if (!needConvert)
            return sequence;

        final int sizeT = sequence.getSizeT();
        final int sizeZ = sequence.getSizeZ();
        final int tMin, tMax;
        final int zMin, zMax;

        if (posT < 0)
            // all frame
            tMin = 0;
            tMax = sizeT - 1;
            // single frame
            tMin = tMax = posT;
        if (posZ < 0)
            // all slice
            zMin = 0;
            zMax = sizeZ - 1;
            // single slice
            zMin = zMax = posZ;

        // wanted image type
        final int imageType = (sizeC > 1) ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY;
        // image receiver
        final BufferedImage imgOut = new BufferedImage(sequence.getSizeX(), sequence.getSizeY(), imageType);
        // conversion LUT (use default sequence one)
        final LUT lut = sequence.getDefaultLUT();

        // create compatible sequence
        final Sequence result = new Sequence(OMEUtil.createOMEMetadata(sequence.getMetadata()));

            for (int t = tMin; t <= tMax; t++)
                for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++)
                    result.setImage(t, z, IcyBufferedImageUtil.toBufferedImage(sequence.getImage(t, z), imgOut, lut));

            // preserve ROI and overlays (for XML metadata preservation)
            for (ROI roi : sequence.getROIs())
            for (Overlay overlay : sequence.getOverlays())

            // rename channels and set final name
            switch (imageType)
                case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB:
                    result.setChannelName(0, "red");
                    result.setChannelName(1, "green");
                    result.setChannelName(2, "blue");

                case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY:
                    result.setChannelName(0, "gray");
            result.setName(sequence.getName() + " (" + imageFormat + ")");

        return result;