package plugins.kernel.importer;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;

import icy.common.exception.UnsupportedFormatException;
import icy.common.listener.ProgressListener;
import icy.file.FileUtil;
import icy.file.Loader;
import icy.gui.dialog.LoaderDialog.AllImagesFileFilter;
import icy.image.IcyBufferedImage;
import icy.image.IcyBufferedImageUtil;
import icy.image.colormap.IcyColorMap;
import icy.image.colormap.LinearColorMap;
import icy.plugin.abstract_.PluginSequenceFileImporter;
import icy.sequence.MetaDataUtil;
import icy.system.SystemUtil;
import icy.system.thread.Processor;
import icy.type.DataType;
import icy.type.collection.array.Array1DUtil;
import icy.type.collection.array.Array2DUtil;
import icy.type.collection.array.ByteArrayConvert;
import icy.util.ColorUtil;
import icy.util.StringUtil;
import jxl.biff.drawing.PNGReader;
import loci.formats.FormatException;
import loci.formats.IFormatReader;
import loci.formats.ImageReader;
import loci.formats.MissingLibraryException;
import loci.formats.UnknownFormatException;
import loci.formats.gui.AWTImageTools;
import loci.formats.gui.ExtensionFileFilter;
import loci.formats.in.APNGReader;
import loci.formats.in.JPEG2000Reader;
import loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadataImpl;

 * LOCI Bio-Formats library importer class.
 * @author Stephane
public class LociImporterPlugin extends PluginSequenceFileImporter
    protected class LociAllFileFilter extends AllImagesFileFilter
        public String getDescription()
            return "All image files / Bio-Formats";

     * Used for multi thread tile image reading.
     * @author Stephane
    class LociTileImageReader
        class WorkBuffer
            final byte[] rawBuffer;
            final byte[] channelBuffer;
            final Object[] pixelBuffer;

            public WorkBuffer(int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeC, int rgbChannel, DataType dataType)

                // allocate arrays
                rawBuffer = new byte[sizeX * sizeY * rgbChannel * dataType.getSize()];
                channelBuffer = new byte[sizeX * sizeY * dataType.getSize()];
                pixelBuffer = Array2DUtil.createArray(dataType, sizeC);
                for (int i = 0; i < sizeC; i++)
                    pixelBuffer[i] = Array1DUtil.createArray(dataType, sizeX * sizeY);

        class TileReaderWorker implements Runnable
            final Rectangle region;
            boolean done;
            boolean failed;

            public TileReaderWorker(Rectangle region)

                this.region = region;
                done = false;
                failed = false;

            public void run()
                IcyBufferedImage img;

                    // get reader and working buffers
                    final IFormatReader r = getReader();
                    final WorkBuffer buf = buffers.pop();

                            // get image tile
                            if (c == -1)
                                img = getImageInternal(r, region, z, t, false, buf.rawBuffer, buf.channelBuffer,
                                img = getImageInternal(r, region, z, t, c, false, buf.rawBuffer, buf.channelBuffer,
                            // release reader

                        // downscale image if needed
                        img = downScale(img, downScaleLevel);
                        // copy tile to image result
                        result.copyData(img, null, new Point(region.x / resDivider, region.y / resDivider));
                        // release working buffer
                catch (Exception e)
                    failed = true;

                done = true;

        // required image down scaling
        final int downScaleLevel;
        // resolution divider
        final int resDivider;
        final int z;
        final int t;
        final int c;
        final IcyBufferedImage result;
        final Stack<WorkBuffer> buffers;

        public LociTileImageReader(int serie, int resolution, int z, int t, int c, int tileW, int tileH,
                ProgressListener listener) throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException

            this.z = z;
            this.t = t;
            this.c = c;

            final OMEXMLMetadataImpl meta = getMetaData();
            final int sizeX = MetaDataUtil.getSizeX(meta, serie);
            final int sizeY = MetaDataUtil.getSizeY(meta, serie);
            final int numThread = Math.max(1, SystemUtil.getNumberOfCPUs() - 1);

            // prepare main reader and get needed downScale
            downScaleLevel = prepareReader(serie, resolution);
            // resolution divider
            resDivider = (int) Math.pow(2, resolution);
            // allocate result
            result = new IcyBufferedImage(sizeX / resDivider, sizeY / resDivider, MetaDataUtil.getSizeC(meta, serie),
                    MetaDataUtil.getDataType(meta, serie));

            // allocate working buffers
            final int sizeC = MetaDataUtil.getSizeC(meta, serie);
            final int rgbChannelCount = reader.getRGBChannelCount();
            final DataType dataType = MetaDataUtil.getDataType(meta, serie);

            buffers = new Stack<WorkBuffer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numThread; i++)
                buffers.push(new WorkBuffer(tileW, tileH, sizeC, rgbChannelCount, dataType));

            // create processor
            final Processor readerProcessor = new Processor(numThread);

            readerProcessor.setThreadName("Image tile reader");
            // to avoid multiple update

                final List<Rectangle> tiles = getTileList(sizeX, sizeY, tileW, tileH);

                // submit all tasks
                for (Rectangle tile : tiles)
                    // wait a bit if the process queue is full
                    while (readerProcessor.isFull())
                        catch (InterruptedException e)
                            // interrupt all processes

                    // submit next task
                    readerProcessor.submit(new TileReaderWorker(tile));

                    // display progression
                    if (listener != null)
                        // process cancel requested ?
                        if (!listener.notifyProgress(readerProcessor.getCompletedTaskCount(), tiles.size()))
                            // interrupt processes

                // wait for completion
                while (readerProcessor.isProcessing())
                    catch (InterruptedException e)
                        // interrupt all processes

                    // display progression
                    if (listener != null)
                        // process cancel requested ?
                        if (!listener.notifyProgress(readerProcessor.getCompletedTaskCount(), tiles.size()))
                            // interrupt processes

                // last wait for completion just in case we were interrupted

            // faster memory release

     * Main image reader used to retrieve a specific format reader
    protected final ImageReader mainReader;
     * Current format reader
    protected IFormatReader reader;

     * Shared readers for multi threading
    protected final List<IFormatReader> readersPool;

     * Advanced settings
    protected boolean originalMetadata;
    protected boolean groupFiles;

    public LociImporterPlugin()

        mainReader = new ImageReader();
        // just to be sure

        reader = null;
        readersPool = new ArrayList<IFormatReader>();

        originalMetadata = false;
        groupFiles = false;

    protected void setReader(String path) throws FormatException, IOException
        // no reader defined so just get the good one
        if (reader == null)
            reader = mainReader.getReader(path);
            // don't check if the file is currently opened
            if (!isOpen(path))
                // try to check with extension only first then open it if needed
                if (!reader.isThisType(path, false) && !reader.isThisType(path, true))
                    reader = mainReader.getReader(path);

    protected void reportError(final String title, final String message, final String filename)
        // TODO: enable that when LOCI will be ready
        // ThreadUtil.invokeLater(new Runnable()
        // {
        // @Override
        // public void run()
        // {
        // final ErrorReportFrame errorFrame = new ErrorReportFrame(null, title, message);
        // errorFrame.setReportAction(new ActionListener()
        // {
        // @Override
        // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        // {
        // try
        // {
        // OMEUtil.reportLociError(filename, errorFrame.getReportMessage());
        // }
        // catch (BadLocationException e1)
        // {
        // System.err.println("Error while sending report:");
        // IcyExceptionHandler.showErrorMessage(e1, false, true);
        // }
        // }
        // });
        // }
        // });

     * When set to <code>true</code> the importer will also read original metadata (as
     * annotations)
     * @return the readAllMetadata state<br>
     * @see #setReadOriginalMetadata(boolean)
    public boolean getReadOriginalMetadata()
        return originalMetadata;

     * When set to <code>true</code> the importer will also read original metadata (as
     * annotations)
    public void setReadOriginalMetadata(boolean value)
        originalMetadata = value;

     * When set to <code>true</code> the importer will try to group files required for the whole
     * dataset.
     * @return the groupFiles
    public boolean isGroupFiles()
        return groupFiles;

     * When set to <code>true</code> the importer will try to group files required for the whole
     * dataset.
    public void setGroupFiles(boolean value)
        groupFiles = value;

    public List<FileFilter> getFileFilters()
        final List<FileFilter> result = new ArrayList<FileFilter>();

        result.add(new LociAllFileFilter());
        result.add(new ExtensionFileFilter(new String[] {"tif", "tiff"}, "TIFF images / Bio-Formats"));
        result.add(new ExtensionFileFilter(new String[] {"png"}, "PNG images / Bio-Formats"));
        result.add(new ExtensionFileFilter(new String[] {"jpg", "jpeg"}, "JPEG images / Bio-Formats"));
        result.add(new ExtensionFileFilter(new String[] {"avi"}, "AVI videos / Bio-Formats"));

        // final IFormatReader[] readers = mainReader.getReaders();

        // for (IFormatReader reader : readers)
        // result.add(new FormatFileFilter(reader, true));

        return result;

    public boolean acceptFile(String path)
        // easy discard
        if (Loader.canDiscardImageFile(path))
            return false;

            // better for Bio-Formats to have system path format (bug with Bio-Format?)
            final String adjPath = new File(path).getAbsolutePath();

            // this method should not modify the current reader !

            // no reader defined or not the same type --> try to obtain the reader for this file
            if ((reader == null) || (!reader.isThisType(adjPath, false) && !reader.isThisType(adjPath, true)))

            return true;
        catch (Exception e)
            // assume false on exception (FormatException or IOException)
            return false;

    public boolean isOpen(String path)
        return StringUtil.equals(getOpened(), FileUtil.getGenericPath(path));

    public String getOpened()
        if (reader != null)
            return FileUtil.getGenericPath(reader.getCurrentFile());

        return null;

    public boolean open(String path, int flags) throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // already opened ?
        if (isOpen(path))
            return true;

        // close first

            // better for Bio-Formats to have system path format
            final String adjPath = new File(path).getAbsolutePath();

            // ensure we have the correct reader

            // disable file grouping
            // we want all metadata
            // prepare meta data store structure
            reader.setMetadataStore(new OMEXMLMetadataImpl());
            // load file with LOCI library

            // set reader in reader pool
            synchronized (readersPool)

            return true;
        catch (FormatException e)
            throw translateException(path, e);

    public void close() throws IOException
        // something to close ?
        if (getOpened() != null)
            synchronized (readersPool)
                // close all readers
                for (IFormatReader r : readersPool)


     * Clone the current used reader conserving its properties and current path
    protected IFormatReader cloneReader()
            throws FormatException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        if (reader == null)
            return null;

        // create the new reader instance
        final IFormatReader result = reader.getClass().newInstance();

        // get opened file
        final String path = getOpened();

        if (path != null)
            // better for Bio-Formats to have system path format
            final String adjPath = new File(path).getAbsolutePath();

            // disable file grouping
            // we want all metadata
            // prepare meta data store structure
            result.setMetadataStore(new OMEXMLMetadataImpl());
            // load file with LOCI library

            // preserve serie and resolution info

        return result;

     * Returns a reader to use for the current thread (allocate it if needed).<br>
     * Any obtained reader should be released using {@link #releaseReader(IFormatReader)}
     * @see #releaseReader(IFormatReader)
    public IFormatReader getReader() throws FormatException, IOException
            synchronized (readersPool)
                if (readersPool.isEmpty())
                // allocate last reader (faster)
                return readersPool.remove(readersPool.size() - 1);
        catch (InstantiationException e)
            // better to rethrow as RuntimeException
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            // better to rethrow as RuntimeException
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

     * Release the reader obtained through {@link #getReader()} to the reader pool.
     * @see #getReader()
    public void releaseReader(IFormatReader r)
        synchronized (readersPool)

     * Prepare the reader to read data from specified serie and at specified resolution.<br>
     * @return the image divisor factor to match the wanted resolution if needed
    protected int prepareReader(int serie, int resolution)
        final int resCount;
        final int res;

        // set wanted serie

        // set wanted resolution
        resCount = reader.getResolutionCount();
        if (resolution >= resCount)
            res = resCount - 1;
            res = resolution;

        return resolution - res;

    public OMEXMLMetadataImpl getMetaData() throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // no image currently opened
        if (getOpened() == null)
            return null;

        // don't need thread safe reader for this
        return (OMEXMLMetadataImpl) reader.getMetadataStore();

    public int getTileWidth(int serie) throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // no image currently opened
        if (getOpened() == null)
            return 0;

        // prepare reader
        prepareReader(serie, 0);

        // don't need thread safe reader for this
        return reader.getOptimalTileWidth();

    public int getTileHeight(int serie) throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // no image currently opened
        if (getOpened() == null)
            return 0;

        // prepare reader
        prepareReader(serie, 0);

        // don't need thread safe reader for this
        return reader.getOptimalTileHeight();

    public IcyBufferedImage getThumbnail(int serie) throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // no image currently opened
        if (getOpened() == null)
            return null;

            // prepare reader (no down scaling here)
            prepareReader(serie, 0);

            final IFormatReader r = getReader();
                // get image
                return getThumbnail(reader, reader.getSizeZ() / 2, reader.getSizeT() / 2);
        catch (FormatException e)
            throw translateException(getOpened(), e);
        catch (Throwable t)
            // can happen if we don't have enough memory --> try default implementation
            return super.getThumbnail(serie);

    public Object getPixels(int serie, int resolution, Rectangle rectangle, int z, int t, int c)
            throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // no image currently opened
        if (getOpened() == null)
            return null;

            // prepare reader and get down scale factor
            final int downScaleLevel = prepareReader(serie, resolution);

            // no need to rescale ? --> directly return the pixels
            if (downScaleLevel == 0)
                final Object result;
                final IFormatReader r = getReader();

                    // get pixels
                    result = getPixelsInternal(reader, rectangle, z, t, c, false);

                return result;

            // use classic getImage method when we need rescaling
            return getImage(serie, resolution, rectangle, z, t, c).getDataXY(0);
        catch (FormatException e)
            throw translateException(getOpened(), e);

    public IcyBufferedImage getImage(int serie, int resolution, Rectangle rectangle, int z, int t, int c)
            throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        // no image currently opened
        if (getOpened() == null)
            return null;

            // prepare reader and get down scale factor if wanted resolution is not available
            final int downScaleLevel = prepareReader(serie, resolution);

            final IFormatReader r = getReader();
                // get image
                final IcyBufferedImage result = getImage(reader, rectangle, z, t, c);
                // return down scaled version if needed
                return downScale(result, downScaleLevel);
            // not enough memory error ?
            catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
                // need rescaling --> try tiling read
                if (downScaleLevel > 0)
                    return getImageByTile(serie, resolution, z, t, c, getTileWidth(serie), getTileHeight(serie), null);

                throw e;
            // too large XY plan ?
            catch (UnsupportedOperationException e)
                // need rescaling --> try tiling read
                if (downScaleLevel > 0)
                    return getImageByTile(serie, resolution, z, t, c, getTileWidth(serie), getTileHeight(serie), null);

                throw e;
            catch (FormatException e)
                // we can have here a "Image plane too large. Only 2GB of data can be extracted at
                // one time." error here --> so can try to use tile loading when we need rescaling
                if (downScaleLevel > 0)
                    return getImageByTile(serie, resolution, z, t, c, getTileWidth(serie), getTileHeight(serie), null);

                throw e;
            catch (IOException e)
                throw e;
        catch (FormatException e)
            throw translateException(getOpened(), e);

    public IcyBufferedImage getImageByTile(int serie, int resolution, int z, int t, int c, int tileW, int tileH,
            ProgressListener listener) throws UnsupportedFormatException, IOException
        return new LociTileImageReader(serie, resolution, z, t, c, tileW, tileH, listener).result;

     * Load a thumbnail version of the image located at (Z, T) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader} and
     * returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getThumbnail(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        return getThumbnail(reader, z, t, -1);

     * Load a thumbnail version of the image located at (Z, T, C) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader} and
     * returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the thumbnail to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the thumbnail to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getThumbnail(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t, int c)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
            // all channel ?
            if (c == -1)
                return getImageInternal(reader, null, z, t, true);

            return getImageInternal(reader, null, z, t, c, true);
        catch (ClosedByInterruptException e)
            // loading interrupted --> return null
            return null;
        catch (Exception e)
            // LOCI do not support thumbnail for all image, try compatible version
            return getThumbnailCompatible(reader, z, t, c);

     * Load a thumbnail version of the image located at (Z, T) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader} and
     * returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.<br>
     * <i>Slow compatible version (load the original image and resize it)</i>
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getThumbnailCompatible(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        return getThumbnailCompatible(reader, z, t, -1);

     * Load a thumbnail version of the image located at (Z, T, C) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader} and
     * returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.<br>
     * <i>Slow compatible version (load the original image and resize it)</i>
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the thumbnail to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the thumbnail to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getThumbnailCompatible(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t, int c)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        return IcyBufferedImageUtil.scale(getImage(reader, null, z, t, c), reader.getThumbSizeX(),

     * Load a single channel sub image at (Z, T, C) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader}<br>
     * and returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        Reader used to load the image
     * @param rect
     *        Region we want to retrieve data.<br>
     *        Set to <code>null</code> to retrieve the whole image.
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index to load
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getImage(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t, int c)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        // we want all channel ? use method to retrieve whole image
        if (c == -1)
            return getImageInternal(reader, rect, z, t, false);

        return getImageInternal(reader, rect, z, t, c, false);

     * Load the image located at (Z, T) position from the specified IFormatReader<br>
     * and return it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param rect
     *        Region we want to retrieve data.<br>
     *        Set to <code>null</code> to retrieve the whole image.
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getImage(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        return getImageInternal(reader, rect, z, t, false);

     * Load the image located at (Z, T) position from the specified IFormatReader<br>
     * and return it as an IcyBufferedImage (compatible and slower method).
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    public static IcyBufferedImage getImageCompatible(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t)
            throws FormatException, IOException
        final int sizeX = reader.getSizeX();
        final int sizeY = reader.getSizeY();
        final List<BufferedImage> imageList = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
        final int sizeC = reader.getEffectiveSizeC();

        for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++)
            imageList.add(AWTImageTools.openImage(reader.openBytes(reader.getIndex(z, c, t)), reader, sizeX, sizeY));

        // combine channels
        return IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(imageList);


     * Load pixels of the specified region of image at (Z, T, C) position and returns them as an
     * array.
     * @param reader
     *        Reader used to load the pixels
     * @param dataType
     *        pixel data type
     * @param rect
     *        Define the image rectangular region we want to load.<br>
     *        Should be adjusted if <i>thumbnail</i> parameter is <code>true</code>
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the pixels to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the pixels to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index to load
     * @param thumbnail
     *        Set to <code>true</code> to request a thumbnail of the image in which case <i>rect</i>
     *        parameter should
     *        contains thumbnail size
     * @param rawBuffer
     *        pre allocated byte data buffer ([reader.getRGBChannelCount() * SizeX * SizeY *
     *        Datatype.size]) used to
     *        read the whole RGB raw data (can be <code>null</code>)
     * @param channelBuffer
     *        pre allocated byte data buffer ([SizeX * SizeY * Datatype.size]) used to read the
     *        channel raw data (can be
     *        <code>null</code>)
     * @param pixelBuffer
     *        pre allocated 1D array pixel data buffer ([SizeX * SizeY]) used to receive the pixel
     *        converted data and to
     *        build the result image (can be <code>null</code>)
     * @return 1D array containing pixels data.<br>
     *         The type of the array depends from the internal image data type
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
     *         if the XY plane size is >= 2^31 pixels
     * @throws OutOfMemoryError
     *         if there is not enough memory to open the image
    protected static Object getPixelsInternal(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t, int c,
            boolean thumbnail, byte[] rawBuffer, byte[] channelBuffer, Object pixelBuffer)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        // get pixel data type
        final DataType dataType = DataType.getDataTypeFromFormatToolsType(reader.getPixelType());

        // check we can open the image
        // Loader.checkOpening(reader.getResolution(), rect.width, rect.height, 1, 1, 1, dataType,
        // "");

        // prepare informations
        final int rgbChanCount = reader.getRGBChannelCount();
        final boolean interleaved = reader.isInterleaved();
        final boolean little = reader.isLittleEndian();

        // allocate internal image data array if needed
        final Object result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(pixelBuffer, dataType, rect.width * rect.height);
        // compute channel offsets
        final int baseC = c / rgbChanCount;
        final int subC = c % rgbChanCount;

        // get image data (whole RGB data for RGB channel)
        byte[] rawData = getBytesInternal(reader, reader.getIndex(z, baseC, t), rect, thumbnail, rawBuffer);

        // current final component
        final int componentByteLen = rawData.length / rgbChanCount;

        // build data array
        if (interleaved)
            // get channel interleaved data
            final byte[] channelData = Array1DUtil.getInterleavedData(rawData, subC, rgbChanCount, channelBuffer, 0,
            ByteArrayConvert.byteArrayTo(channelData, 0, result, 0, componentByteLen, little);
            ByteArrayConvert.byteArrayTo(rawData, subC * componentByteLen, result, 0, componentByteLen, little);

        // return raw pixels data
        return result;

     * Load pixels of the specified region of image at (Z, T, C) position and returns them as an
     * array.
     * @param reader
     *        Reader used to load the pixels
     * @param rect
     *        Region we want to retrieve data.<br>
     *        Set to <code>null</code> to retrieve the whole image.
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the pixels to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the pixels to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index to load
     * @param thumbnail
     *        Set to <code>true</code> to request a thumbnail of the image (<code>rect</code>
     *        parameter is then ignored)
     * @return 1D array containing pixels data.<br>
     *         The type of the array depends from the internal image data type
    protected static Object getPixelsInternal(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t, int c,
            boolean thumbnail) throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        final Rectangle r;

        if (thumbnail)
            r = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getThumbSizeX(), reader.getThumbSizeY());
        else if (rect == null)
            r = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getSizeX(), reader.getSizeY());
            r = rect;

        return getPixelsInternal(reader, r, z, t, c, thumbnail, null, null, null);

     * Load a single channel sub image at (Z, T, C) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader}<br>
     * and returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        Reader used to load the image
     * @param rect
     *        Define the image rectangular region we want to load.<br>
     *        Should be adjusted if <i>thumbnail</i> parameter is <code>true</code>
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index to load
     * @param thumbnail
     *        Set to <code>true</code> to request a thumbnail of the image in which case <i>rect</i>
     *        parameter should
     *        contains thumbnail size
     * @param rawBuffer
     *        pre allocated byte data buffer ([reader.getRGBChannelCount() * SizeX * SizeY *
     *        Datatype.size]) used to
     *        read the whole RGB raw data (can be <code>null</code>)
     * @param channelBuffer
     *        pre allocated byte data buffer ([SizeX * SizeY * Datatype.size]) used to read the
     *        channel raw data (can be
     *        <code>null</code>)
     * @param pixelBuffer
     *        pre allocated 1D array pixel data buffer ([SizeX * SizeY]) used to receive the pixel
     *        converted data and to
     *        build the result image (can be <code>null</code>)
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
     *         if the XY plane size is >= 2^31 pixels
     * @throws OutOfMemoryError
     *         if there is not enough memory to open the image
    protected static IcyBufferedImage getImageInternal(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t, int c,
            boolean thumbnail, byte[] rawBuffer, byte[] channelBuffer, Object pixelBuffer)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        // get pixel data
        final Object pixelData = getPixelsInternal(reader, rect, z, t, c, thumbnail, rawBuffer, channelBuffer,
        // get pixel data type
        final DataType dataType = DataType.getDataTypeFromFormatToolsType(reader.getPixelType());
        // create the single channel result image from pixel data
        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(rect.width, rect.height, pixelData, dataType.isSigned());

        // indexed color ?
        if (reader.isIndexed())
            IcyColorMap map = null;

            // only 8 bits and 16 bits lookup table supported
            switch (dataType.getJavaType())
                case BYTE:
                    final byte[][] bmap = reader.get8BitLookupTable();
                    if (bmap != null)
                        map = new IcyColorMap("Channel " + c, bmap);

                case SHORT:
                    final short[][] smap = reader.get16BitLookupTable();
                    if (smap != null)
                        map = new IcyColorMap("Channel " + c, smap);


            // colormap not set (or black) ? --> try to use metadata
            if ((map == null) || map.isBlack())
                final OMEXMLMetadataImpl metaData = (OMEXMLMetadataImpl) reader.getMetadataStore();
                final Color color = MetaDataUtil.getChannelColor(metaData, reader.getSeries(), c);

                if ((color != null) && !ColorUtil.isBlack(color))
                    map = new LinearColorMap("Channel " + c, color);
                    map = null;

            // we were able to retrieve a colormap ? --> set it
            if (map != null)
                result.setColorMap(0, map, true);

        return result;

     * Load a single channel sub image at (Z, T, C) position from the specified
     * {@link IFormatReader}<br>
     * and returns it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        Reader used to load the image
     * @param rect
     *        Region we want to retrieve data.<br>
     *        Set to <code>null</code> to retrieve the whole image.
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @param c
     *        Channel index to load
     * @param thumbnail
     *        Set to <code>true</code> to request a thumbnail of the image (<code>rect</code>
     *        parameter is then ignored)
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    protected static IcyBufferedImage getImageInternal(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t, int c,
            boolean thumbnail) throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        final Rectangle r;

        if (thumbnail)
            r = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getThumbSizeX(), reader.getThumbSizeY());
        else if (rect == null)
            r = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getSizeX(), reader.getSizeY());
            r = rect;

        return getImageInternal(reader, r, z, t, c, thumbnail, null, null, null);

     * Load the image located at (Z, T) position from the specified IFormatReader and return it as
     * an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param rect
     *        Define the image rectangular region we want to load.<br>
     *        Should be adjusted if <i>thumbnail</i> parameter is <code>true</code>
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @param thumbnail
     *        Set to <code>true</code> to request a thumbnail of the image in which case <i>rect</i>
     *        parameter should
     *        contains thumbnail size
     * @param rawBuffer
     *        pre allocated byte data buffer ([reader.getRGBChannelCount() * SizeX * SizeY *
     *        Datatype.size]) used to
     *        read the whole RGB raw data (can be <code>null</code>)
     * @param channelBuffer
     *        pre allocated byte data buffer ([SizeX * SizeY * Datatype.size]) used to read the
     *        channel raw data (can be
     *        <code>null</code>)
     * @param pixelBuffer
     *        pre allocated 2D array ([SizeC, SizeX*SizeY]) pixel data buffer used to receive the
     *        pixel converted data
     *        and to build the result image (can be <code>null</code>)
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
     *         if the XY plane size is >= 2^31 pixels
     * @throws OutOfMemoryError
     *         if there is not enough memory to open the image
    protected static IcyBufferedImage getImageInternal(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t,
            boolean thumbnail, byte[] rawBuffer, byte[] channelBuffer, Object[] pixelBuffer)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, OutOfMemoryError, FormatException, IOException
        // get pixel data type
        final DataType dataType = DataType.getDataTypeFromFormatToolsType(reader.getPixelType());
        // get sizeC
        final int effSizeC = reader.getEffectiveSizeC();
        final int rgbChanCount = reader.getRGBChannelCount();
        final int sizeX = rect.width;
        final int sizeY = rect.height;
        final int sizeC = effSizeC * rgbChanCount;

        // check we can open the image
        // Loader.checkOpening(reader.getResolution(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeC, 1, 1, dataType, "");

        final int serie = reader.getSeries();
        // prepare informations
        final boolean indexed = reader.isIndexed();
        final boolean little = reader.isLittleEndian();
        final OMEXMLMetadataImpl metaData = (OMEXMLMetadataImpl) reader.getMetadataStore();

        // prepare internal image data array
        final Object[] pixelData;

        if (pixelBuffer == null)
            // allocate array
            pixelData = Array2DUtil.createArray(dataType, sizeC);
            for (int i = 0; i < sizeC; i++)
                pixelData[i] = Array1DUtil.createArray(dataType, sizeX * sizeY);
            pixelData = pixelBuffer;

        // colormap allocation
        final IcyColorMap[] colormaps = new IcyColorMap[effSizeC];

        byte[] rawData = null;
        for (int effC = 0; effC < effSizeC; effC++)
            // get data
            rawData = getBytesInternal(reader, reader.getIndex(z, effC, t), rect, thumbnail, rawBuffer);

            // current final component
            final int c = effC * rgbChanCount;
            final int componentByteLen = rawData.length / rgbChanCount;

            // build data array
            int inOffset = 0;
            if (reader.isInterleaved())
                final byte[] channelData = (channelBuffer == null) ? new byte[componentByteLen] : channelBuffer;

                for (int sc = 0; sc < rgbChanCount; sc++)
                    // get channel interleaved data
                    Array1DUtil.getInterleavedData(rawData, inOffset, rgbChanCount, channelData, 0, componentByteLen);
                    ByteArrayConvert.byteArrayTo(channelData, 0, pixelData[c + sc], 0, componentByteLen, little);
                for (int sc = 0; sc < rgbChanCount; sc++)
                    ByteArrayConvert.byteArrayTo(rawData, inOffset, pixelData[c + sc], 0, componentByteLen, little);
                    inOffset += componentByteLen;

            // indexed color ?
            if (indexed)
                // only 8 bits and 16 bits lookup table supported
                switch (dataType.getJavaType())
                    case BYTE:
                        final byte[][] bmap = reader.get8BitLookupTable();
                        if (bmap != null)
                            colormaps[effC] = new IcyColorMap("Channel " + effC, bmap);

                    case SHORT:
                        final short[][] smap = reader.get16BitLookupTable();
                        if (smap != null)
                            colormaps[effC] = new IcyColorMap("Channel " + effC, smap);

                        colormaps[effC] = null;

            // colormap not yet set (or black) ? --> try to use metadata
            if ((colormaps[effC] == null) || colormaps[effC].isBlack())
                final Color color = MetaDataUtil.getChannelColor(metaData, serie, effC);

                if ((color != null) && !ColorUtil.isBlack(color))
                    colormaps[effC] = new LinearColorMap("Channel " + effC, color);
                    colormaps[effC] = null;

        final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(sizeX, sizeY, pixelData, dataType.isSigned());

        // affect colormap
            // set colormaps
            for (int comp = 0; comp < effSizeC; comp++)
                // we were able to retrieve a colormap for that channel ? --> set it
                if (colormaps[comp] != null)
                    result.setColorMap(comp, colormaps[comp], true);

            // special case of 4 channels image, try to restore alpha channel
            if ((sizeC == 4) && ((colormaps.length < 4) || (colormaps[3] == null)))
                // assume real alpha channel depending from the reader we use
                final boolean alpha = (rgbChanCount == 4) || (reader instanceof PNGReader)
                        || (reader instanceof APNGReader) || (reader instanceof JPEG2000Reader);

                // restore alpha channel
                if (alpha)
                    result.setColorMap(3, LinearColorMap.alpha_, true);

        return result;

     * Load the image located at (Z, T) position from the specified IFormatReader<br>
     * and return it as an IcyBufferedImage.
     * @param reader
     *        {@link IFormatReader}
     * @param rect
     *        Region we want to retrieve data.<br>
     *        Set to <code>null</code> to retrieve the whole image.
     * @param z
     *        Z position of the image to load
     * @param t
     *        T position of the image to load
     * @param thumbnail
     *        Set to <code>true</code> to request a thumbnail of the image (<code>rect</code>
     *        parameter is then ignored)
     * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage}
    protected static IcyBufferedImage getImageInternal(IFormatReader reader, Rectangle rect, int z, int t,
            boolean thumbnail) throws FormatException, IOException
        final Rectangle r;

        if (thumbnail)
            r = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getThumbSizeX(), reader.getThumbSizeY());
        else if (rect == null)
            r = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getSizeX(), reader.getSizeY());
            r = rect;

        return getImageInternal(reader, r, z, t, thumbnail, null, null, null);

     * low level byte read from LOCI reader (only used by internal methods)
    protected static byte[] getBytesInternal(IFormatReader reader, int index, Rectangle rect, boolean thumbnail,
            byte[] buffer) throws FormatException, IOException
        if (thumbnail)
            return reader.openThumbBytes(index);

        final Rectangle imgRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getSizeX(), reader.getSizeY());

        // need to allocate
        if (buffer == null)
            // return whole image
            if ((rect == null) || rect.equals(imgRect))
                return reader.openBytes(index);

            // return region
            return reader.openBytes(index, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

        // already allocated / whole image
        if ((rect == null) || rect.equals(imgRect))
            return reader.openBytes(index, buffer);

        // return region
        return reader.openBytes(index, buffer, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

     * Down scale the specified image with the given down scale factor.<br>
     * If down scale factor equals <code>0</code> then the input image is directly returned.
     * @param source
     *        input image
     * @param scale
     *        scale factor
     * @return scaled image or source image is scale factor equals <code>0</code>
    protected static IcyBufferedImage downScale(IcyBufferedImage source, int downScaleLevel)
        IcyBufferedImage result = source;
        int it = downScaleLevel;

        // process fast down scaling
        while (it-- > 0)
            result = IcyBufferedImageUtil.downscaleBy2(result, true);

        return result;

        // final double scale = Math.pow(2, downScaleLevel);
        // if (scale > 1d)
        // {
        // final int sizeX = (int) (Math.round(source.getSizeX() / scale));
        // final int sizeY = (int) (Math.round(source.getSizeY() / scale));
        // // down scale
        // return IcyBufferedImageUtil.scale(source, sizeX, sizeY, FilterType.BILINEAR);
        // }
        // return source;

    protected static UnsupportedFormatException translateException(String path, FormatException exception)
        if (exception instanceof UnknownFormatException)
            return new UnsupportedFormatException(path + ": Unknown image format.", exception);
        else if (exception instanceof MissingLibraryException)
            return new UnsupportedFormatException(path + ": Missing library to load the image.", exception);
            return new UnsupportedFormatException(path + ": Unsupported image format.", exception);