package plugins.kernel.roi.descriptor.measure;

import icy.roi.ROI;
import icy.roi.ROIDescriptor;
import icy.sequence.Sequence;

 * Contour ROI descriptor class (see {@link ROIDescriptor})
 * @author Stephane
public class ROIContourDescriptor extends ROIDescriptor
    public static final String ID = "Contour";

    public ROIContourDescriptor()
        super(ID, "Contour", Double.class);

    public String getUnit(Sequence sequence)
        return "px";

    public String getDescription()
        return "Number of points for the contour";

    public Object compute(ROI roi, Sequence sequence) throws UnsupportedOperationException
        return Double.valueOf(computeContour(roi));

     * Returns the number of contour point for the specified ROI.
     * @param roi
     *        the ROI on which we want to compute the number of contour point
     * @return the number of contour point
    public static double computeContour(ROI roi)
        return roi.getNumberOfContourPoints();

//    /**
//     * Returns the contour size from a given number of contour points in the best unit (see
//     * {@link Sequence#getBestPixelSizeUnit(int, int)}) for the specified sequence and dimension.<br>
//     * <ul>
//     * Ex:
//     * <li>getContourSize(sequence, roi, 2) return the perimeter value</li>
//     * <li>getContourSize(sequence, roi, 3) return the surface area value</li>
//     * </ul>
//     * It may returns <code>Double.Nan</code> if the operation is not supported for that ROI.
//     * 
//     * @param contourPoints
//     *        the number of contour points (override the ROI value)
//     * @param roi
//     *        the ROI we want to compute the contour size
//     * @param sequence
//     *        the input sequence used to retrieve operation unit by using pixel size information.
//     * @param dim
//     *        the dimension for the contour size operation (2 = perimeter, 3 = surface area, ...)
//     * @return the number of contour point
//     * @see Sequence#getBestPixelSizeUnit(int, int)
//     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
//     *         if the contour calculation for the specified dimension is not supported by the ROI
//     */
//    public static double computeContour(double contourPoints, ROI roi, Sequence sequence, int dim)
//            throws UnsupportedOperationException
//    {
//        final double mul = ROIBasicMeasureDescriptorsPlugin.getMultiplierFactor(sequence, roi, dim);
//        // 0 means the operation is not supported for this ROI
//        if (mul == 0d)
//            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't process '" + ID + "' calculation for dimension " + dim
//                    + " on the ROI: " + roi.getName());
//        return sequence.calculateSizeBestUnit(contourPoints * mul, dim, dim - 1);
//    }