Uses of Interface

Packages that use Collection
org.apache.pivot.beans Contains classes for manipulating and interacting with Java Bean types. 
org.apache.pivot.collections Defines a set of classes and interfaces that serve as generic collections as well as the data model for UI components. 
org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter Provides a set of collection implementations that are backed by java.util collections. 
org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent Contains a set of thread-safe collection implementations. 
org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable Contains a set of read-only collection implementations. Contains classes related to input/output operations. 
org.apache.pivot.sql Contains classes for working with SQL data. 
org.apache.pivot.xml Contains classes that facilitate interaction with an XML DOM. 

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.beans

Classes in org.apache.pivot.beans that implement Collection
 class BeanAdapter
          Exposes Java bean properties of an object via the Map interface.

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.collections

Subinterfaces of Collection in org.apache.pivot.collections
 interface List<T>
          Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.
 interface Map<K,V>
          Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.
 interface Queue<T>
          Interface representing a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue when unsorted, and a priority queue when sorted.
 interface Set<E>
          Collection interface representing a group of unique elements.
 interface Stack<T>
          Interface representing a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack when unsorted, and a priority stack when sorted.

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections that implement Collection
 class ArrayList<T>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by an array.
 class ArrayQueue<T>
          Implementation of the Queue interface that is backed by an array.
 class ArrayStack<T>
          Implementation of the Stack interface that is backed by an array.
 class EnumList<E extends Enum<E>>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by an enum.
 class EnumMap<E extends Enum<E>,V>
          Implementation of the Set interface whose keys are backed by a set of enum values.
 class EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>>
          Implementation of the Set interface that is backed by an array of enum values.
 class HashMap<K,V>
          Implementation of the Map interface that is backed by a hash table.
 class HashSet<E>
          Implementation of the Set interface that is backed by a hash table.
 class LinkedList<T>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by a linked list.
 class LinkedQueue<T>
          Implementation of the Queue interface that is backed by a linked list.
 class LinkedStack<T>
          Implementation of the Stack interface that is backed by a linked list.

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter that implement Collection
 class ListAdapter<T>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by an instance of List.
 class MapAdapter<K,V>
          Implementation of the Map interface that is backed by an instance of Map.
 class SetAdapter<E>
          Implementation of the Set interface that is backed by an instance of Set.

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent that implement Collection
 class SynchronizedList<T>
          Synchronized implementation of the List interface.
 class SynchronizedMap<K,V>
          Synchronized implementation of the Map interface.
 class SynchronizedQueue<T>
          Synchronized implementation of the Queue interface.
 class SynchronizedSet<E>
          Synchronized implementation of the Set interface.
 class SynchronizedStack<T>
          Synchronized implementation of the Stack interface.

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable that implement Collection
 class ImmutableList<T>
          Unmodifiable implementation of the List interface.
 class ImmutableMap<K,V>
          Unmodifiable implementation of the Map interface.
 class ImmutableSet<E>
          Unmodifiable implementation of the Set interface.

Uses of Collection in

Classes in that implement Collection
 class FileList
          Collection representing a list of files.

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.sql

Classes in org.apache.pivot.sql that implement Collection
 class ResultList
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by a instance of ResultSet.

Uses of Collection in org.apache.pivot.xml

Classes in org.apache.pivot.xml that implement Collection
 class Element
          Node class representing an XML element.