Interface AssociationRulesProducer

All Known Implementing Classes:
Apriori, FilteredAssociator, FPGrowth

public interface AssociationRulesProducer
Interface to something that can provide a list of AssociationRules.
$Revision: 8034 $
Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns true if this AssociationRulesProducer can actually produce rules.
    Gets the list of mined association rules.
    Gets a list of the names of the metrics output for each rule.
  • Method Details

    • getAssociationRules

      AssociationRules getAssociationRules()
      Gets the list of mined association rules.
      the list of association rules discovered during mining. Returns null if mining hasn't been performed yet.
    • getRuleMetricNames

      String[] getRuleMetricNames()
      Gets a list of the names of the metrics output for each rule. This list should be the same (in terms of the names and order thereof) as that produced by AssociationRule.getMetricNamesForRule().
      an array of the names of the metrics available for each rule learned by this producer.
    • canProduceRules

      boolean canProduceRules()
      Returns true if this AssociationRulesProducer can actually produce rules. Most implementing classes will always return true from this method (obviously :-)). However, an implementing class that actually acts as a wrapper around things that may or may not implement AssociationRulesProducer will want to return false if the thing they wrap can't produce rules.
      true if this producer can produce rules in its current configuration