Package weka.core.converters

package weka.core.converters
  • Class
    Abstract superclass for all file loaders.
    Abstract class for Savers that save to a file Valid options are: -i input arff file
    The input filw in arff format.
    Abstract class gives default implementation of setSource methods.
    Abstract class for Saver
    Reads a source that is in arff (attribute relation file format) format.
    Reads data from an ARFF file, either in incremental or batch mode.
    Writes to a destination in arff text format.
    Marker interface for a loader/saver that can retrieve instances in batch mode
    Reads a file that is C45 format.
    Writes to a destination that is in the format used by the C4.5 algorithm.
    Therefore it outputs a names and a data file.
    Helper class for dealing with Converter resources.
    Utility routines for the converter package.
    Helper class for saving data to files.
    Helper class for loading data from files and URLs.
    Reads a source that is in comma separated format (the default).
    Writes to a destination that is in CSV (comma-separated values) format.
    Connects to a database.
    Marker interface for a loader/saver that uses a database
    Reads Instances from a Database.
    Writes to a database (tested with MySQL, InstantDB, HSQLDB).
    Writes a dictionary constructed from string attributes in incoming instances to a destination.
    Interface to a loader/saver that loads/saves from a file source.
    Marker interface for a loader/saver that can retrieve instances incrementally
    Reads a source that is in the JSON format.
    It automatically decompresses the data if the extension is '.json.gz'.

    For more information, see JSON homepage:
    Writes to a destination that is in JSON format.
    The data can be compressed with gzip, in order to save space.

    For more information, see JSON homepage:
    Reads a source that is in libsvm format.

    For more information about libsvm see:
    Writes to a destination that is in libsvm format.

    For more information about libsvm see:
    Interface to something that can load Instances from an input source in some format.
    Exception that implementers can throw from getStructure() when they have not been configured sufficiently in order to read the structure (or data).
    Reads a Matlab file containing a single matrix in ASCII format.
    Writes Matlab ASCII files, in single or double precision format.
    Interface to something that can save Instances to an output destination in some format.
    Reads a source that contains serialized Instances.
    Serializes the instances to a file with extension bsi.
    Helper class for using stream tokenizers
    Reads a source that is in svm light format.

    For more information about svm light see:
    Writes to a destination that is in svm light format.

    For more information about svm light see:
    Loads all text files in a directory and uses the subdirectory names as class labels.
    Interface to a loader that can load from a http url
    Reads a source that is in the XML version of the ARFF format.
    Writes to a destination that is in the XML version of the ARFF format.