Interface ClassifierPanelLaunchHandlerPlugin

public interface ClassifierPanelLaunchHandlerPlugin
Interface to plugin that can take the current state of the Classifier panel and execute it. E.g. A plugin could be made to train and evaluate the configured classifier on remote machine(s).

For full access to the protected member variables in the ClassifierPanel, an implementation will need to be packaged in weka.gui.explorer. The ClassifierPanel looks for implementations when it is constructed, and will provide a new button (in the case of a single plugin) or a button that pops up a menu (in the case of multiple plugins) in order to invoke the launch() method on the plugin.

$Revision: 8034 $
Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the name of the launch command (to appear as the button text or in the popup menu)
    Gets called when the user clicks the button or selects this plugin's entry from the popup menu.
    Allows the classifier panel to pass in a reference to itself
  • Method Details

    • setClassifierPanel

      void setClassifierPanel(ClassifierPanel p)
      Allows the classifier panel to pass in a reference to itself
      p - the ClassifierPanel
    • getLaunchCommand

      String getLaunchCommand()
      Get the name of the launch command (to appear as the button text or in the popup menu)
      the name of the launch command
    • launch

      void launch()
      Gets called when the user clicks the button or selects this plugin's entry from the popup menu.