Class ExplorerDefaults

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExplorerDefaults extends Object implements Serializable
This class offers get methods for the default Explorer settings in the props file weka/gui/explorer/Explorer.props.
$Revision: 15276 $
FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ExplorerDefaults

      public ExplorerDefaults()
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static String get(String property, String defaultValue)
      returns the value for the specified property, if non-existent then the default value.
      property - the property to retrieve the value for
      defaultValue - the default value for the property
      the value of the specified property
    • set

      public static void set(String property, String value)
    • getProperties

      public static final Properties getProperties()
      returns the associated properties file.
      the props file
    • getInitGenericObjectEditorFilter

      public static boolean getInitGenericObjectEditorFilter()
      returns if the GOEs in the Explorer will be initialized based on the data that is loaded into the Explorer.
      true if the GOEs get initialized
    • getTabs

      public static String[] getTabs()
      returns an array with the classnames of all the additional panels to display as tabs in the Explorer.
      the classnames
    • getInitialDirectory

      public static String getInitialDirectory()
      Returns the initial directory for the file chooser used for opening datasets.

      The following placeholders are recognized:

         %t - the temp directory
         %h - the user's home directory
         %c - the current directory
         %% - gets replaced by a single percentage sign
      the default directory
    • getFilter

      public static Object getFilter()
      returns the default filter (fully configured) for the preprocess panel.
      the default filter, null if none
    • getClassifier

      public static Object getClassifier()
      returns the default classifier (fully configured) for the classify panel.
      the default classifier, ZeroR by default
    • getClassifierTestMode

      public static int getClassifierTestMode()
      returns the default classifier test mode for the classify panel.
      the default test mode
    • getClassifierCrossvalidationFolds

      public static int getClassifierCrossvalidationFolds()
      returns the default number of folds of the CV in the classify panel.
      the default number of folds
    • getClassifierPercentageSplit

      public static int getClassifierPercentageSplit()
      returns the default classifier test mode for the classify panel (0-99).
      the default precentage split
    • getClassifierOutputModel

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputModel()
      returns whether the built model is output.
      true if the built model is output
    • getClassifierOutputModelsForTrainingSplits

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputModelsForTrainingSplits()
      returns whether the models built for the training set are output
      true if the models built for the training set are output
    • getClassifierOutputPerClassStats

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputPerClassStats()
      returns whether additional per-class stats of the classifier are output.
      true if stats are output
    • getClassifierOutputEntropyEvalMeasures

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputEntropyEvalMeasures()
      returns whether entropy-based evaluation meastures of the classifier are output.
      true if output
    • getClassifierOutputConfusionMatrix

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputConfusionMatrix()
      returns whether the confusion matrix for the classifier is output.
      true if matrix is output
    • getClassifierOutputPredictions

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputPredictions()
      returns whether the predictions of the classifier are output as well.
      true if predictions are output as well
    • getClassifierOutputAdditionalAttributes

      public static String getClassifierOutputAdditionalAttributes()
      returns the string with the additional indices to output alongside the predictions.
      the indices, 0 if none are output
    • getClassifierStoreTestDataAndPredictionsForVis

      public static boolean getClassifierStoreTestDataAndPredictionsForVis()
      returns whether the test data and the predictions of the classifier are stored for visualization.
      true if test data and predictions are stored
    • getClassifierCollectPredictionsForEvaluation

      public static boolean getClassifierCollectPredictionsForEvaluation()
      returns whether the predictions of the classifier are collected for calculating performance statistics such as AUROC.
      true if predictions are collected
    • getClassifierCostSensitiveEval

      public static boolean getClassifierCostSensitiveEval()
      returns whether the evaluation of the classifier is done cost-sensitively.
      true if cost-sensitively done
    • getClassifierRandomSeed

      public static int getClassifierRandomSeed()
      returns the default random seed value for the classifier for the classify panel.
      the default random seed
    • getClassifierPreserveOrder

      public static boolean getClassifierPreserveOrder()
      returns whether the order is preserved in case of the percentage split in the classify tab.
      true if order is preserved
    • getClassifierOutputSourceCode

      public static boolean getClassifierOutputSourceCode()
      returns whether the source of a sourcable Classifier is output in the classify tab.
      true if the source code is output
    • getClassifierSourceCodeClass

      public static String getClassifierSourceCodeClass()
      returns the default classname for a sourcable Classifier in the classify tab.
      the default classname
    • getClassifierErrorsPlotInstances

      public static ClassifierErrorsPlotInstances getClassifierErrorsPlotInstances()
      Returns an instance of the class used for generating plot instances for displaying the classifier errors.
      an instance of the class
    • getClassifierErrorsMinimumPlotSizeNumeric

      public static int getClassifierErrorsMinimumPlotSizeNumeric()
      Returns the minimum size in pixels for plots of plotting classifier errors of numeric attributes.
      the size
    • getClassifierErrorsMaximumPlotSizeNumeric

      public static int getClassifierErrorsMaximumPlotSizeNumeric()
      Returns the maximum size in pixels for plots of plotting classifier errors of numeric attributes.
      the size
    • getClusterer

      public static Object getClusterer()
      returns the default clusterer (fully configured) for the clusterer panel.
      the default clusterer, EM by default
    • getClustererTestMode

      public static int getClustererTestMode()
      returns the default cluster test mode for the cluster panel.
      the default test mode
    • getClustererStoreClustersForVis

      public static boolean getClustererStoreClustersForVis()
      returns whether the clusters are storeed for visualization purposes in the cluster panel.
      true if clusters are stored
    • getClustererAssignmentsPlotInstances

      public static ClustererAssignmentsPlotInstances getClustererAssignmentsPlotInstances()
      Returns an instance of the class used for generating plot instances for displaying the cluster assignments.
      an instance of the class
    • getAssociator

      public static Object getAssociator()
      returns the default associator (fully configured) for the associations panel.
      the default associator, Apriori by default
    • getASEvaluator

      public static Object getASEvaluator()
      returns the default attribute evalautor (fully configured) for the attribute selection panel.
      the default attribute evaluator, CfsSubsetEval by default
    • getASSearch

      public static Object getASSearch()
      returns the default attribute selection search scheme (fully configured) for the attribute selection panel.
      the default search scheme, BestFirst by default
    • getASTestMode

      public static int getASTestMode()
      returns the default attribute selection test mode for the attribute selection panel.
      the default test mode
    • getASCrossvalidationFolds

      public static int getASCrossvalidationFolds()
      returns the default number of folds of the CV in the attribute selection panel.
      the default number of folds
    • getASRandomSeed

      public static int getASRandomSeed()
      returns the default random seed value in the attribute selection panel.
      the default random seed
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      only for testing - prints the content of the props file.
      args - commandline parameters - ignored