Uses of Interface

Packages that use List
org.apache.pivot.collections Defines a set of classes and interfaces that serve as generic collections as well as the data model for UI components. 
org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter Provides a set of collection implementations that are backed by java.util collections. 
org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent Contains a set of thread-safe collection implementations. 
org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable Contains a set of read-only collection implementations. Contains classes related to input/output operations. 
org.apache.pivot.json Contains classes that facilitate interaction with JSON and JSON-like data structures. 
org.apache.pivot.serialization Contains a set of classes for use in data serialization. 
org.apache.pivot.sql Contains classes for working with SQL data. 
org.apache.pivot.xml Contains classes that facilitate interaction with an XML DOM. 

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.collections

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections that implement List
 class ArrayList<T>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by an array.
 class EnumList<E extends Enum<E>>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by an enum.
 class LinkedList<T>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by a linked list.

Methods in org.apache.pivot.collections with parameters of type List
 void ListListener.comparatorChanged(List<T> list, Comparator<T> previousComparator)
          Called when a list's comparator has changed.
 void ListListener.Adapter.comparatorChanged(List<T> list, Comparator<T> previousComparator)
 void List.ListListenerList.comparatorChanged(List<T> list, Comparator<T> previousComparator)
 void ListListener.itemInserted(List<T> list, int index)
          Called when an item has been inserted into a list.
 void ListListener.Adapter.itemInserted(List<T> list, int index)
 void List.ListListenerList.itemInserted(List<T> list, int index)
 void ListListener.itemsRemoved(List<T> list, int index, Sequence<T> items)
          Called when items have been removed from a list.
 void ListListener.Adapter.itemsRemoved(List<T> list, int index, Sequence<T> items)
 void List.ListListenerList.itemsRemoved(List<T> list, int index, Sequence<T> items)
 void ListListener.itemUpdated(List<T> list, int index, T previousItem)
          Called when a list item has been updated.
 void ListListener.Adapter.itemUpdated(List<T> list, int index, T previousItem)
 void List.ListListenerList.itemUpdated(List<T> list, int index, T previousItem)
 void ListListener.listCleared(List<T> list)
          Called when list data has been reset.
 void ListListener.Adapter.listCleared(List<T> list)
 void List.ListListenerList.listCleared(List<T> list)

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter that implement List
 class ListAdapter<T>
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by an instance of List.

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent that implement List
 class SynchronizedList<T>
          Synchronized implementation of the List interface.

Constructors in org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent with parameters of type List
SynchronizedList(List<T> list)

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable

Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable that implement List
 class ImmutableList<T>
          Unmodifiable implementation of the List interface.

Constructors in org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable with parameters of type List
ImmutableList(List<T> list)

Uses of List in

Classes in that implement List
 class FileList
          Collection representing a list of files.

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.json

Methods in org.apache.pivot.json that return List
static List<?> JSONSerializer.parseList(String json)
          Converts a JSON value to a list.

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.serialization

Methods in org.apache.pivot.serialization that return List
 List<?> CSVSerializer.readObject(InputStream inputStream)
          Reads values from a comma-separated value stream.
 List<?> CSVSerializer.readObject(Reader reader)
          Reads values from a comma-separated value stream.

Methods in org.apache.pivot.serialization with parameters of type List
 void CSVSerializerListener.beginList(CSVSerializer csvSerializer, List<?> list)
          Called when the serializer has begun reading the list.
 void CSVSerializerListener.Adapter.beginList(CSVSerializer csvSerializer, List<?> list)
 String CSVSerializer.getMIMEType(List<?> objects)
 void CSVSerializer.writeObject(List<?> items, OutputStream outputStream)
          Writes values to a comma-separated value stream.
 void CSVSerializer.writeObject(List<?> items, Writer writer)
          Writes values to a comma-separated value stream.

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.sql

Classes in org.apache.pivot.sql that implement List
 class ResultList
          Implementation of the List interface that is backed by a instance of ResultSet.

Uses of List in org.apache.pivot.xml

Classes in org.apache.pivot.xml that implement List
 class Element
          Node class representing an XML element.

Methods in org.apache.pivot.xml that return List
static List<Element> XML.getElements(Element root, String path, String name)
          Returns the sub-elements of a descendant of root whose tag names match the given name.
 List<Element> Element.getElements(String name)
          Returns the sub-elements of of this element whose tag names match the given name.