Class PackageManager

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class PackageManager extends Object
Abstract base class for package managers. Contains methods to manage the location of the central package repository, the home directory for installing packages, the name and version of the base software system and a http proxy.
$Revision: 52568 $
Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
  • Constructor Details

    • PackageManager

      public PackageManager()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static PackageManager create()
    • establishProxy

      public void establishProxy()
      Tries to configure a Proxy object for use in an Authenticator if there is a proxy defined by the properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort, and if the user has set values for the properties (note, these are not standard java properties) http.proxyUser and http.proxyPassword.
    • setProxyAuthentication

      public boolean setProxyAuthentication(URL urlToConnectTo)
      Sets an new default Authenticator that will return the values set through setProxyUsername() and setProxyPassword() (if applicable).
      true if a proxy is to be used and (if applicable) the Authenticator was set successfully.
    • setPackageHome

      public void setPackageHome(File packageHome)
      Set the location (directory) of installed packages.
      packageHome - the file system location of installed packages.
    • getPackageHome

      public File getPackageHome()
      Get the location (directory) of installed packages
      the directory containing installed packages.
    • setBaseSystemName

      public void setBaseSystemName(String baseS)
      Set the name of the main software system for which we manage packages.
      baseS - the name of the base software system
    • getBaseSystemName

      public String getBaseSystemName()
      Get the name of the main software system for which we manage packages.
      the name of the base software system.
    • setBaseSystemVersion

      public void setBaseSystemVersion(Object systemV)
      Set the current version of the base system for which we manage packages.
      systemV - the current version of the main software system.
    • getBaseSystemVersion

      public Object getBaseSystemVersion()
      Get the current installed version of the main system for which we manage packages.
      the installed version of the base system.
    • setPackageRepositoryURL

      public void setPackageRepositoryURL(URL repositoryURL)
      Set the URL to the repository of package meta data.
      repositoryURL - the URL to the repository of package meta data.
    • getPackageRepositoryURL

      public URL getPackageRepositoryURL()
      Get the URL to the repository of package meta data.
      the URL to the repository of package meta data.
    • setProxy

      public void setProxy(Proxy proxyToUse)
      Set a proxy to use for accessing the internet (default is no proxy).
      proxyToUse - a proxy to use.
    • getProxy

      public Proxy getProxy()
      Get the proxy in use.
      the proxy in use or null if no proxy is being used.
    • setProxyUsername

      public void setProxyUsername(String proxyUsername)
      Set the user name for authentication with the proxy.
      proxyUsername - the user name to use for proxy authentication.
    • setProxyPassword

      public void setProxyPassword(String proxyPassword)
      Set the password for authentication with the proxy.
      proxyPassword - the password to use for proxy authentication.
    • getDefaultSettings

      public Defaults getDefaultSettings()
      Get the default settings of this package manager. Default implementation returns null. Subclasses to override if they have default settings
      the default settings of this package manager
    • applySettings

      public void applySettings(Settings settings)
      Apply the supplied settings. Default implementation does nothing. Subclasses should override to take note of settings changes.
      settings - the settings to apply
    • getRepositoryPackageMetaDataOnlyAsZip

      public abstract byte[] getRepositoryPackageMetaDataOnlyAsZip(PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Gets an array of bytes containing a zip of all the repository meta data and supporting files. Does *not* contain any package archives etc., only a snapshot of the meta data. Could be used by clients to establish a cache of meta data.
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      a zip compressed array of bytes.
      Exception - if the repository meta data can't be returned as a zip
    • getPackageArchiveInfo

      public abstract Package getPackageArchiveInfo(String packageArchivePath) throws Exception
      Get package information from the supplied package archive file.
      packageArchivePath - the path to the package archive file
      a Package object encapsulating the package meta data.
      Exception - if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
    • getInstalledPackageInfo

      public abstract Package getInstalledPackageInfo(String packageName) throws Exception
      Get package information on the named installed package.
      packageName - the name of the package to get information about.
      a Package object encapsulating the package meta data or null if the package is not installed.
      Exception - if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
    • getRepositoryPackageInfo

      public abstract Package getRepositoryPackageInfo(String packageName) throws Exception
      Get package information on the named package from the repository. If multiple versions of the package are available, it assumes that the most recent is required.
      packageName - the name of the package to get information about.
      a Package object encapsulating the package meta data.
      Exception - if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
    • getRepositoryPackageInfo

      public abstract Package getRepositoryPackageInfo(String packageName, Object version) throws Exception
      Get package information on the named package from the repository.
      packageName - the name of the package to get information about.
      version - the version of the package to retrieve (may be null if not applicable).
      a Package object encapsulating the package meta data.
      Exception - if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
    • getRepositoryPackageVersions

      public abstract List<Object> getRepositoryPackageVersions(String packageName) throws Exception
      Get a list of available versions of the named package.
      packageName - the name of the package to get versions.
      a list of available versions (or null if not applicable)
      Exception - if something goes wrong while trying to retrieve the list of versions.
    • getURLPackageInfo

      public abstract Package getURLPackageInfo(URL packageURL) throws Exception
      Get package information on the package at the given URL.
      packageURL - the URL to the package.
      a Package object encapsulating the package meta data
      Exception - if the package meta data can't be retrieved.
    • installPackageFromArchive

      public abstract String installPackageFromArchive(String packageArchivePath, PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Install a package from an archive on the local file system.
      packageArchivePath - the path to the package archive file.
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      the name of the package installed
      Exception - if the package can't be installed for some reason.
    • installPackageFromRepository

      public abstract void installPackageFromRepository(String packageName, Object version, PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Install a package sourced from the repository.
      packageName - the name of the package to install
      version - the version of the package to install (may be null if not applicable).
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      Exception - if the package can't be installed for some reason.
    • installPackageFromURL

      public abstract String installPackageFromURL(URL packageURL, PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Install a package sourced from a given URL.
      packageURL - the URL to the package.
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      the name of the package installed
      Exception - if the package can't be installed for some reason.
    • installPackages

      public abstract void installPackages(List<Package> toInstall, PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Installs all the packages in the supplied list.
      toInstall - a list of Packages to install.
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      Exception - if something goes wrong during the installation process.
    • uninstallPackage

      public abstract void uninstallPackage(String packageName, PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Uninstall a package.
      packageName - the package to uninstall.
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied, is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      Exception - if the named package could not be removed for some reason.
    • getInstalledPackages

      public abstract List<Package> getInstalledPackages() throws Exception
      Get a list of installed packages.
      a list of installed packages.
      Exception - if a list of packages can't be determined.
    • getAllPackages

      public abstract List<Package> getAllPackages(PrintStream... progress) throws Exception
      Get all packages that the system knows about (i.e. all packages contained in the repository).
      progress - optional varargs parameter, that, if supplied is expected to contain one or more PrintStream objects to write progress to.
      a list of all packages.
      Exception - if a list of packages can't be determined.
    • getAvailablePackages

      public abstract List<Package> getAvailablePackages() throws Exception
      Get a list of packages that are not currently installed.
      a list of packages that are not currently installed.
      Exception - if a list of packages can't be determined.
    • getAllDependenciesForPackage

      public abstract List<Dependency> getAllDependenciesForPackage(Package target, Map<String,List<Dependency>> conflicts) throws Exception
      Gets a full list of packages (encapsulated in Dependency objects) that are required by directly and indirectly by the named target package. Also builds a Map of any packages that are required by more than one package and where there is a conflict of some sort (e.g. multiple conflicting versions). The keys of this map are package names (strings), and each associated value is a list of Dependency objects.
      target - the package for which a list of dependencies is required.
      conflicts - will hold any conflicts that are discovered while building the full dependency list.
      a list of packages that are directly and indirectly required by the named target package.
      Exception - if a problem occurs while building the dependency list.