Interface StepManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StepManager
Client public interface for the StepManager. Step implementations should only use this interface
Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the step managed by this StepManager
      the name of the managed step
    • getManagedStep

      Step getManagedStep()
      Get the actual step managed by this step manager
      the Step managed by this step manager
    • getExecutionEnvironment

      ExecutionEnvironment getExecutionEnvironment()
      Get the executing environment. This contains information such as whether the flow is running in headless environment, what environment variables are available and methods to execute units of work in parallel.
      the execution environment
    • getSettings

      Settings getSettings()
      Get the knowledge flow settings
      the knowledge flow settings
    • numIncomingConnections

      int numIncomingConnections()
      Get the number of steps that are connected with incoming connections
      the number of incoming connections
    • numOutgoingConnections

      int numOutgoingConnections()
      Get the number of steps that are connected with outgoing connections
      the number of outgoing connections
    • numIncomingConnectionsOfType

      int numIncomingConnectionsOfType(String connectionName)
      Get the number of steps that are connected with the given incoming connection type
      connectionName - the type of the incoming connection
      the number of steps connected with the specified incoming connection type
    • numOutgoingConnectionsOfType

      int numOutgoingConnectionsOfType(String connectionName)
      Get the number of steps that are connected with the given outgoing connection type
      connectionName - the type of the outgoing connection
      the number of steps connected with the specified outgoing connection type
    • getIncomingConnectedStepsOfConnectionType

      List<StepManager> getIncomingConnectedStepsOfConnectionType(String connectionName)
      Get a list of steps that are the source of incoming connections of the given type
      connectionName - the name of the incoming connection to get a list of steps for
      a list of steps that are the source of incoming connections of the given type
    • getIncomingConnectedStepWithName

      StepManager getIncomingConnectedStepWithName(String stepName)
      Get the named step that is connected with an incoming connection.
      stepName - the name of the step to get
      the step connected with an incoming connection or null if the named step is not connected
    • getOutgoingConnectedStepWithName

      StepManager getOutgoingConnectedStepWithName(String stepName)
      Get a named step connected to this step with an outgoing connection
      stepName - the name of the step to look for
      the connected step
    • getOutgoingConnectedStepsOfConnectionType

      List<StepManager> getOutgoingConnectedStepsOfConnectionType(String connectionName)
      Get a list of downstream steps connected to this step with the given connection type.
      connectionName - the name of the outgoing connection
      a list of downstream steps connected to this one with the named connection type
    • getIncomingConnections

      Map<String,List<StepManager>> getIncomingConnections()
      Get a Map of all incoming connections. Map is keyed by connection type; values are lists of steps
      a Map of incoming connections
    • getOutgoingConnections

      Map<String,List<StepManager>> getOutgoingConnections()
      Get a Map of all outgoing connections. Map is keyed by connection type; values are lists of steps
      a Map of outgoing connections
    • outputData

      void outputData(String outgoingConnectionName, Data data) throws WekaException
      Output data to all steps connected with the supplied outgoing connection type. Populates the source and connection name in the supplied Data object for the client
      outgoingConnectionName - the type of the outgoing connection to send data to
      data - a single Data object to send
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • outputData

      void outputData(Data... data) throws WekaException
      Output one or more Data objects to all relevant steps. Populates the source in each Data object for the client, HOWEVER, the client must have populated the connection type in each Data object to be output so that the StepManager knows which connected steps to send the data to. Also notifies any registered StepOutputListeners. Note that the downstream step(s)' processIncoming() method is called in a separate thread for batch connections. Furthermore, if multiple Data objects are supplied via the varargs argument, and a target step will receive more than one of the Data objects, then they will be passed on to the step in question sequentially within the same thread of execution.
      data - one or more Data objects to be sent
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • outputData

      void outputData(String outgoingConnectionName, String stepName, Data data) throws WekaException
      Output a single Data object to the named step with the supplied outgoing connection type
      outgoingConnectionName - the name of the outgoing connection
      stepName - the name of the step to send the data to
      data - the data to send
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • getIncomingStructureForConnectionType

      Instances getIncomingStructureForConnectionType(String connectionName) throws WekaException
      Attempt to retrieve the structure (as a header-only set of instances) for the named incoming connection type. Assumes that there is only one step connected with the supplied incoming connection type.
      connectionName - the type of the incoming connection to get the structure for
      the structure of the data for the specified incoming connection, or null if the structure can't be determined (or represented as an Instances object)
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • getIncomingStructureForConnectionType

      Instances getIncomingStructureForConnectionType(String connectionName, Environment env) throws WekaException
      Attempt to retrieve the structure (as a header-only set of instances) for the named incoming connection type. Assumes that there is only one step connected with the supplied incoming connection type.
      connectionName - the type of the incoming connection to get the structure for
      env - the Environment to use
      the structure of the data for the specified incoming connection, or null if the structure can't be determined (or represented as an Instances object)
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • getIncomingStructureFromStep

      Instances getIncomingStructureFromStep(StepManager sourceStep, String connectionName) throws WekaException
      Attempt to get the incoming structure (as a header-only set of instances) from the given managed step for the given connection type.
      sourceStep - the step manager managing the source step
      connectionName - the name of the connection to attempt to get the structure for
      the structure as a header-only set of instances, or null if the source step can't determine this at present or if it can't be represented as a set of instances.
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • isStepBusy

      boolean isStepBusy()
      Returns true if, at this time, the step managed by this step manager is currently busy with processing
      true if the step managed by this step manager is busy
    • isStopRequested

      boolean isStopRequested()
      Return true if a stop has been requested by the runtime environment
      true if a stop has been requested
    • isStepFinished

      boolean isStepFinished()
      Return true if the current step is finished.
      true if the current step is finished
    • processing

      void processing()
      Step implementations processing batch data should call this to indicate that they have started some processing. Calling this should set the busy flag to true.
    • finished

      void finished()
      Step implementations processing batch data should call this to indicate that they have finished all processing. Calling this should set the busy flag to false.
    • interrupted

      void interrupted()
      Step implementations processing batch data should call this as soon as they have finished processing after a stop has been requested. Calling this should set the busy flag to false.
    • isStreamFinished

      boolean isStreamFinished(Data data)
      Returns true if this data object marks the end of an incremental stream. Note - does not check that the data object is actually an incremental one of some sort! Just checks to see if the CON_AUX_DATA_INCREMENTAL_STREAM_END flag is set to true or not;
      data - the data element to check
      true if the data element is flagged as end of stream
    • throughputUpdateStart

      void throughputUpdateStart()
      Start a throughput measurement. Should only be used by steps that are processing instance streams. Call just before performing a unit of work for an incoming instance.
    • throughputUpdateEnd

      void throughputUpdateEnd()
      End a throughput measurement. Should only be used by steps that are processing instance streams. Call just after finishing a unit of work for an incoming instance
    • throughputFinished

      void throughputFinished(Data... data) throws WekaException
      Signal that throughput measurement has finished. Should only be used by steps that are emitting incremental data. Call as the completion of an data stream.
      data - one or more Data events (with appropriate connection type set) to pass on to downstream connected steps. These are used to carry any final data and to inform the downstream step(s) that the stream has ended
      WekaException - if a problem occurs
    • logLow

      void logLow(String message)
      Log a message at the "low" level
      message - the message to log
    • logBasic

      void logBasic(String message)
      Log a message at the "basic" level
      message - the message to log
    • logDetailed

      void logDetailed(String message)
      Log a message at the "detailed" level
      message - the message to log
    • logDebug

      void logDebug(String message)
      Log a message at the "debug" level
      message - the message to log
    • logWarning

      void logWarning(String message)
      Log a warning message. Always makes it into the log regardless of what logging level the user has specified.
      message - the message to log
    • logError

      void logError(String message, Throwable cause)
      Log an error message. Always makes it into the log regardless of what logging level the user has specified. Causes all flow execution to halt. Prints an exception to the log if supplied.
      message - the message to log
      cause - the optional Throwable to log
    • log

      void log(String message, LoggingLevel level)
      Write a message to the log at the given logging level
      message - the message to write
      level - the level for the message
    • statusMessage

      void statusMessage(String message)
      Write a status message
      message - the message
    • getLog

      Logger getLog()
      Get the log
      the log object
    • getLoggingLevel

      LoggingLevel getLoggingLevel()
      Get the currently set logging level
      the currently set logging level
    • environmentSubstitute

      String environmentSubstitute(String source)
      Substitute all known environment variables in the given string
      source - the source string
      the source string with all known variables resolved
    • getInfoStep

      Step getInfoStep(Class stepClass) throws WekaException
      Returns a reference to the step being managed if it has one or more outgoing CON_INFO connections and the managed step is of the supplied class
      stepClass - the expected class of the step
      the step being managed if outgoing CON_INFO connections are present and the step is of the supplied class
      WekaException - if there are no outgoing CON_INFO connections or the managed step is the wrong type
    • getInfoStep

      Step getInfoStep() throws WekaException
      Returns a reference to the step being managed if it has one or more outgoing CON_INFO connections.
      the step being managed if outgoing CON_INFO connections are present
      WekaException - if there are no outgoing CON_INFO connections
    • findStepInFlow

      StepManager findStepInFlow(String stepNameToFind)
      Finds a named step in the current flow. Returns null if the named step is not present in the flow
      stepNameToFind - the name of the step to find
      the StepManager of the named step, or null if the step does not exist in the current flow.
    • stepIsResourceIntensive

      boolean stepIsResourceIntensive()
      Returns true if the step managed by this step manager has been marked as being resource (cpu/memory) intensive.
      true if the managed step is resource intensive
    • setStepIsResourceIntensive

      void setStepIsResourceIntensive(boolean isResourceIntensive)
      Mark the step managed by this step manager as resource intensive
      isResourceIntensive - true if the step managed by this step manager is resource intensive
    • setStepMustRunSingleThreaded

      void setStepMustRunSingleThreaded(boolean mustRunSingleThreaded)
      Marked the step managed by this step manager as one that must run single-threaded. I.e. in an executor service with one worker thread, thus effectively preventing more than one copy of the step from executing at any one point in time
      mustRunSingleThreaded - true if the managed step must run single-threaded
    • getStepMustRunSingleThreaded

      boolean getStepMustRunSingleThreaded()
      Returns true if the step managed by this step manager has been marked as one that must run single-threaded. I.e. in an executor service with one worker thread, thus effectively preventing more than one copy of the step from executing at any one point in time
      mustRunSingleThreaded - true if the managed step must run single-threaded